Hola, Jostma, muchas gracias por tus palabras. Efectivamente estaba realizando una conversión fiel total del Berzerk, incluyendo las voces totalmente iguales (sampleadas). Pero hace poco me han pisado el juego, y lo he tenido que abandonar, al igual que 2 juegos más que tenía empezados y que me han pisado también.
Es por esto que sigo programando juegos para esta colección, al estilo "MAME into a ZX SPECTRUM" :D pero ya no doy ni una mínima pista de qué juegos son. Ten en cuén que a mí me cuesta desarrollar cada juego más o menos 2 años, y si alguien con más tiempo que yo lo saca antes, esto significa muchísimo trabajo tirado a la basura, y yo ya estoy escarmentado, jiji.
Bubu Marcianito
Creator of
Recent community posts
Very great!! As I've mentioned on other occasions, I love this channel because Harvey not only showcases the game but also provides commentary, which makes it much more entertaining. You can also see how much he's improving at playing.
If you keep going like this, with 10 or 20 more coins, you'll surely clear stage 5, where a special screen will appear
AY sounds version available!!! This version sounds great with Spectrums with attached AY chips (as 128K models, or 48K models with a special device)
It's free if you bought before the first version. If you got the first digital version filling the form for ordering the tape, then email me if you want this new version.
Yes, there's a "128K version" with some AY sounds, and I'm thinking if I should put it as a free download only for previous (original) version buyers, but the problem is that much people got their digital version at the same time as the physical version in tape, and I can't save tapes again...
In a few days I'll do so:
- If you purchased only the digital version, you'll have free access to download the AY version
- If you purchased only the physical version, you can't have any change (obviously)
- If you purchased both the physical version and digital version, you'll have to email me and I'll send you the AY version.
But this will be notified in a few days. Before that, let's wait for the year to end :D
OMFG! Didn't know it at all!! I sold him one tape 3 weeks ago, he was one of the first ones in purchasing it. but he's selling 4 units??? The one in the ebay pic is the original of mine, I don't understand how he manufactured the other 3 tapes :(
And the price: £20, that's more than double my price...
And what can I do, if the game is a "copy" of Nintendo's original?
Thanks a lot for the notice, @binaryrooster
Yes, it's compatible, you can read it in here:
Read the 1st post in that thread
He disfrutado viendo el vídeo tanto como tú jugando al Tetris, jejejej, muchísimas gracias por la review, @vidaextraretro. Además, se ve que tu calidad de juego va de peor a mejor, en la fase 1 pareces que juegues con los muñones de los pies, y a medida que van pasando las fases coges un nivel tipo Willis Gibson, ejjeje. ¡Enhorabuena!
Hola, pasop, gracias por tu apoyo. No contemplo meter kempston en mis juegos, al menos de momento, porque prácticamente nadie juega con joystick, sino con un teclado, y el esfuerzo de poner joystick no merece la pena. También me han pedido implementar los 2 jugadores, y por la misma razón no lo he hecho...