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A member registered Dec 10, 2017 · View creator page →

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Had a lot of fun playing this game, the bosses in particular were really enjoyable. I died to the first one a few times, but then I realized I could wall jump and he became a lot easier. The secound boss was my favorite, their attacks felt simple enough that I could come up with a plan to avoid them but their movement mixed with their attack was chaotic enough that at times I felt paniced trying to avoid damage. Only issue I had was there were a few times when I got hit I would take double damage. Very fun game, also the dash felt super satisfying. 

Ey, glad you liked it!

TI was attempting to use fightstick controls in a platforming game, so a lot of the inputs are quite challenging as a result. I wanted to avoid using single input controls to stick to the theme of using fightstick inputs for all the powerups. When making this I could barely do any of the inputs at first. The inputs do ask a lot of the player but once you get a hang of them they feel pretty rewarding. Mind you the game is very small so I feel like there is not enough time for the player to get used to them before they face even harder platforming challenges. 

You're the secound person to recommend changing the inputs for double jump so I feel its probably a good idea to make that change in a future update. Luckily I have all the code for that commented out so it will be a quick fix. The charge power up is a bit of a remnant from when I had enemies planned, that was going to be your attack and you could also use it for platforming/sequence breaks. Adding a longer charge time sounds like a good idea, I had it set so that the charge time was the same as the time it takes to double jump, allowing the player to get an extended jump if they charged it while double jumping. I never considered that it may lead to annoyance with it procing unexpectedly, I will try to adjust it to make it more consistent/purposeful,  thanks for all the feed back.

Hey, awesome prologue!

The way you presented the story was really interesting and funny. I swear by the end of the prologue I was so ready to punch that blonde guy right in the face. I was also waiting for my lunch to heat up while playing this, so I too was Hangry aha. 

Thanks, the pico8 palette is pretty fun to work with. Platformer may be the best genre it fits in. I wasn't able to fit enemy AI into the game so I had to scrap any combat. However I did try to stay true to the open world exploration and progressive powerups. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. It took me quite awhile to get adequate with the controls, I never played a game before that uses fight stick controls for platforming so it is quite a steep learning curve.  I will have to look into that soft lock. I kind of knew there was potential for one, but I thought I got rid of them all. 

Thanks for the feed back. 

I do agree with you, I never considered forward up as the input till you brought it up but that would be a lot more intuitive. I defaulted to (down, forward, x) since that is the Hadouken input from street fighter. (Forward, up, x) may make the input more consistant too, since most times you will already be holding forward. 

I will try adding it and see how it feels. 



I am a little out of my depth when it comes to music and sound creation in pico8. 

If there are any developers interested in creating some music you can have full creative freedom. 

You can try out the game I posted it in the submissions or you can follow this link.

If you want to give any feedback on the game feel free to leave a comment on the game page. 

Thanks, BBB.

Hey I am a fairly good pixel artist and have experience working with in the game boy's limitations. I previously submitted to this jam in 2021, you can check out the art in my previous submission here Would love to work on a jam strictly in a artist role. So if you interested let me know.

Hey, I see you have moving platforms. Does this plug in also solve problems where actors don't have any collision? 

Sweet thanks for the info :)

Very tight controls, it reminds me of super meat boy. Was curious how you made the "Locked and loaded" and "Let's rock" sound clip. I didn't think GB studio was capable of that.

I have finished the game :D. Honestly some awesome level design. I had to do a lot of puzzle solving to figure out how to get past certain jumps. The slow acceleration speed helped in making this game more tricky/ragey aha. The first screen was a little tricky to figure out where the platforms were but all other screens were good. If you do get around to finishing/adding more to this game I would suggest doing a white line for platforms on the first screen kinda like you did with the other screens.  Nice game thanks for making it :D

Dude this game is terrible.... and I love it aha. I will beat it! Believe it!

I am curious if a topdown metroidvania would be acceptable. I've been watching videos on youtube discussing the topic of metroidvanias and in these videos they suggest that some FPS games could be considered metroidvania games. However in the wikipedia article that was linked to this jam, they specify that it is a 2d side scroller. 

If the game has a gate blocked map, character/knowledge progression and exploration/revisiting, would that constitute a metroidvania? I am  curious, what do other people think defines the genre, specifically if it is not in the traditional side scroller format.  

Thanks, there are a lot of a lot of fun gb games out there. I personally really liked Wink. You should check that one out if you still need your GB fix. :)

Thanks, Glad you enjoyed it.

Ey, thanks. :D. 

I believe you can play on original GB just have to change the file from .GBC to .GB Mind you some of the backgrounds will look weird since I had to do some weird tile sets to make the colour look good. 

Thanks, Glad you like it :D

Ty :D

Thanks :

What you mean? aha I am not sure.

Had a really good time playing this. I love some tight platforming. Great game :)

Glad you like it :)

Thanks. :)

Yeah no worries. :) I agree, 2.0 is slightly limiting on the action front but it's far superior to 1.0 ahaha.

Thanks, I put a lot of effort into the Graphics :). Hopefully in the submitted build some of the collision issues will be fixed. 

Glad ya like it :). Yeah, I am in the process of fixing some of the jank. Hopefully it helps. :)

Some how this is even more nostalgic then listening to the original aha. Also the bullfango fight reminded me of a lava zone from one of the earlier games.Those things would always muck you up when you least expect :) 

Thanks, the encounters are supposed to be random you may have gotten a unlucky seed or something. lol

I will be posting the rom shortly I still need to add some; music credits and cutscenes. 

Thanks, Glad you like it :)

Wow, that is awesome. I finally beat it for first time. With a time of 34. Had a defence sorta build. Mind telling me (if you remember) what dice you had for this run? I am curious. 

Nice, that's awesome! Good Luck :)

This is really fun to work with, do you think you are going to add patch boards? (I think that's what their called, where you connect wires to different things) If that were to get added OMG I would be tweaking those nobs and creating a monstrous tangle of wires till the wee hours of the morning aha. Anyways thanks for making this it's awesome :)

lol, nice. that's awesome I'll give it a check and a sub :)

Hey nice game, I am curious how you set up multiplayer over webgl. Could you possibly link me to any resources you used? thanks :)

Thanks, I will be doing a small patch in the future to fix some small errors. I think adding a different input for attack is also a good idea. I've seen J and K sometimes used for wasd users. Any thoughts on that? I could do wasd and j and arrow keys and z.