Hello hello.
I get emails with what are supposed to be updates about games I've purchased here on itch.io. I don't want to unsubscribe from these emails because if there's an update to a game or TTRPG, I want it.
However, I have noticed that creators seem to use these emails to advertise new projects, kickstarters, etc. and I don't want those. While I appreciate that creators need ways to spread the word of their work...
1.) This doesn't seem to be the proper use of the function? Shouldn't the update emails JUST be used for updates to the games we actually bought?
2.) I'm never in the position to really do anything with the information when it arrives; If I were, I'd already be looking for that kind of thing to support such folks.
3.) They clutter my inbox and as someone with ADHD it raises the white-noise factor quite dramatically, increasing chances I'll miss an ACTUAL update email to a game.
I can only seem to unsubscribe from a single type of email, unfortunately, which is the subscription to the game I downloaded. I seem to find no options that separate updates about the game versus updates about non-related projects.
Is there an option for this somewhere that I'm not seeing? I searched on Google as well as here in the forums but did not find an answer, though admittedly may have phrased things in a way that did not produce results. As an Autistic individual my phrasing is not always matching to more common turns of phrase...