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Bvoran Inc.

A member registered Mar 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Guys with big chests/tits are hot for some people, trans or not. Guess TRUE men don't get big chests... oh wait THEY DO! Take your bigotry else where.

I'd love to see trans male characters (or at least one) aka a 'cuntman'

Also more inflation without pull out, like knotting and staying knotted for a bit.

Would love to see some urethral stuff like tongue in urethra or urethral fucking/cock-fucking.

mpreg is fun but not for everyone and also maybe characters with large balls but not large cocks, like tanukis, normal cock sized for the game but big balls :3

I just wanted to make a place where people could actually give their praise for this game (aka me lol)

I really enjoyed this game, and now i can't wait for updates. Looking forward to seeing where this story goes!

(1 edit)

ALSO, It might be better to have the powerups be something like "Shift + Up" or "Shift + D/A" as doing double tap is painful for a platforming game as you keep triggering it by accident. 

And There's a glitch where you get caught in a black cloud in the imp boss fight and it gets stuck like that.

Looking forward to them!

Also, another thing, is there four different scenes with the imp? i thought there was only two. (is there a way i can check to see if i've missed anything?)

And some more fixes are that you can soft lock yourself in the very beginning by just breeding both the blobs and if you click z multiple times at the beginning the red screen just keep appearing.

Replaying the game makes me want a skip button for dialogue, and you can't seem to go back to the beginning as you can't get back to the tall ladder in the forest. 

Just Found this game a few days ago,

And honestly this is so good! it's so well coded and so unique!!! i can't wait for more! I'd financially support if i could, and if i can in the future i sure will!

Just some minor things....
The signs are a little buggy, you can click Z multiple times and they'll duplicate making an unpleasant sound and you can't 'x' out of them so you have to wait for them all to finish before walking away. 

The power-ups are slightly too glitchy, perhaps there should be a cancel option to be able to stop wherever you are so you're not flung across the map and glitched through the side, (similarly, would be good to be able to move left and right slightly when lifted by the ghosts.)

When you open a menu item like inventory and then close the menu, the thing opened stays open and that is kind of annoying.

Perhaps there should be slight cut scenes at certain parts to help guide the players, such as next to the ghost hotel the roo could stop at the gap and say "I can't jump that. if only i could fly or... float... somehow..." and at the start of the level something like "i hope this is the right way" or "I can see the Hotel up ahead!" Just something to give a narrative and gently guide.

And finally, just as a little selfish pet peeve.... The lose scene with the Imp... They've got the biggest package out of everyone and yet, there's barely any inflation. I'd love it if the final scene could have him pump the roo at least slightly bigger as it's no more impressive than the snake just one scene before and it's less than the skull monster. (Since they're a boss i just felt they'd do more as a scene) And on the note of inflation and eggs, it would kind of be cute to have the Roo's belly be bulging as he walks and stuff after a big filling just for a few moments (and leaving a dotted trail of white) but that's just a suggestion.

That's it for now. I genuinely LOVED this game, i kind of wish i had found it later in production so i could binge more of it lol x3

I have two endings, and have unlocked all scenes except the last one like the original poster mentioned, is there a third ending? am i missing something?

was just checking you where okay with me contacting ^^

Hey! ^^ i've already left a review of this VN, which i'm going to be changing now it's finished, but i would like to give you a much longer, and more critiquing review as well, as i would really like to point out area's of improvement and go over them. my 'official' review will be a lot more simple, and positive, because over all this was a wonderful little VN, but i do really want to talk to you about areas to improve.

Is there any way of contacting you privately to do so? (furaffinity?) i don't want to waste your time if my advice won't help, but, this could have been, one of the best NSFW VN's i've ever had the pleasure to read! It was... amazing <3

ah okay! sorry, i should have said this is my first viewing of the VN in a while ^^ i'll say it again, i really like it so far, so keep it up, you're really good at it! I can't wait to see how this develops.

ah, by SA i mean sexual assault (rape), he says basically 'if the person didn't get so drunk they wouldn't get SA'd...' as an example along with a few other things, which is what many people say to belittle and undermine victims of SA, leading to mental health issues etc. so can be triggering to some, so it's... not a great thing to say. Yes... it may be in character, but it's still a little... er... icky. if people don't have a problem with it, then no worries. I was just a little concerned.

i agree with the idea of a gallery or at least something to tell you if you have seen all the CGs and in what order too. something like that. I say this as i have played through (i think) all the choices i could have and i have come across three new CGs (maybe four) but i have not yet found the NSFW CG. Not sure what you mean by 'hidden' either. I had 3 devotion to Yukine too.

Apart from that, i really enjoyed the update! the story's fun and i can't wait to see what's next >w> keep on doing what you're doing! ^^

(PS: there is a distasteful line From Yukine about SA... even if it's the characters own thoughts and not the writers... i don't know, could be triggering for some people.)

You're such a tease with the nsfw scenes... and i love it! haha :P