Thanks for anwsering.
I'll try to keep it as PG as possible then, and warn in case I feel it goes beyond that, but we'll see what I come up with once the theme is revealed. :D
Hello there. To begin with, I apologize if I'm out of line for asking this, I'm still fairly new to all of this, but I was wondering about a certain point in the rules.
- Provide content warnings for your game if needed.
I'm assuming this means that NSFW content is allowed, provided the creator properly labels them as such.
Am I correct in assuming so? Thank you in advance, and, regardless, have a nice jam.
This was fun, I love the idea of you having to manage each plant individually and utilizing the limitation as a storm-timer is clever.
The music is soothing and nice and I liked that the growth is based on the water it collects instead of simply a timer.
I did however, find two annoying bugs:
1. If you have exactly 4 money, you can't buy the pepper (all other plants work as expected, though.
2. If you finish the game, go back to the main menu and start a new game, the rain will never come (restarting the game will fix this, so luckily it's not permanent).
All in all, I had a great time. It's exactly the kind of game you can turn on when you've had a bad day or need a few minutes of breathing room.
This was certainly a trip.
I liked the pure chaos of it all, but I also felt it lacked cohesiveness.
That said, it's not really a negative, since that just further adds to the confusion and fun.
If I had a legitimate complaint, it would be that the text of "truth" is off center, too big and thus hard to read.
All in all, it was a decent, but certainly unique and trippy experience.