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A member registered Nov 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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It was an Xbox One controller, seemed that A & B were swapped

Left us feeling confused and scared. Most of us didn't find the gravity changing mechanic unlike the other teams seemingly did, just left kicking that ... bag(?)'s head in and making a shit tonne of particles ... and death. lots of death.

Simple and fun game, movement was so close to feeling great just needs to reset the jump when you touch slopes. After some bug fixing could be very fun and fluid. Also would love if control's were more clear. a bit more work on enemies and design would be fab. Also character shakes a lot near an edge and wont let the player jump.

 Love the art, very well crafted overall. Controller was a nice touch but keymaps different to the guide at the start. keyboard and mouse was still playable and quite enjoyable at that. Sometimes player gets stuck when hit.

Riposte - great idea and smooth movement. having an limited use attack and block feels weird maybe have it as a hold button instead of toggle

            Very well fleshed out and great audio &visuals

            Art style looks great but muddied, feels very flat

            The tutorial is greatly appreciated and overall a very well put together game which is fun to play.

No Available build, please packidge and let us know when you do :) 

Now Packaged!

there is now "something"

Updated, now there is "something"