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A member registered Jan 28, 2024

Recent community posts

Is there an uncensored version

This game is too short compared to its large size 

Android uses apk not rar

(1 edit)

this game tends to crash right after the title shows I am using the android version by the way 

Ok then sounds great

the screen for browser play is too small 

Not public yet why

Hey can we get this weeks codes

Maybe just remove the extreme content code and instead make it an option in the settings I think codes that are cheats are fine but codes that restrict content are wrong

Or maybe make the final public version cost 2 bucks or something

Can the final version not require any codes and still be free on

Why isn't chapter 4 android compatible yet

Please make the game have an android apk version like the rest of your games

The gallery is prone to crashing there us also a way to accidentally repeat the second chapter

Maybe 5 inches is the diameter not the length

It would be better if you could just make the android version into an apk

I get nothing but a black screen once the scene is over

For me the game has very severe lag problems and the things you try to pick up don't always resister also add some sort of outline or something to tell you if something will enter the pot

Is this going to be on android I'm the only proper file type of apk

This game looks amazing sadly it's a rar file which means it can't be downloaded onto android please convert the game to apk

The solution for numeral puzzle in the volcano isn't on YouTube can someone tell me what it is 

when will the apk version be public?

I wish the burp power deactivated bard charges

Will there be an android version

Can we get an android version 

No it's a futanari game that means that the protagonist will be futanari

when will the next free version be available 

how do you gain the slut status because a lot of the good stuff is locked behind being a slut 

Can we get an android apk  version

Yes this glitch happens randomly on android too

(2 edits)

Please nerf the bard if there is just one of them on screen the can cause all melee enemies to basically teleport to sophie causing an instant death also lower the health of pyromancers, lower poison damage to sophie because a single ranged zombie can take out a fifth of her health bar in one shot ,and limit the amount of summoned zombies also make it so predators prioritize human units over zombies and make the vampire chick have the undead trait, there should also just be a predator whose job it is to tank large groups of units and the burp spell should cancel bard charge, maybe make the charge instead attached to the jousting units and the bard just adds an attack speed boost to melee units ,you should also give us the ability to increase Sophie's damage as she levels up ,you don't need to add everything but these are just my balancing suggestions sorry for no  grammar but my biggest wish is to add healing to the game in some way ,and please make it so palidins and engineers have different hats 

A fix I would want would be that the rare variants give you their versions of the transformations and that the rare transformation variants could be accessed in the gallery as well as being able to give yourself statis effects and temporary abilities that alter your appearance

I wonder when the free version will catch up with the patreon version

Please convert the android version to apk

Why is there device limitations that makes it so you need at least an android 13 to play this is the only app I have seen on this platform with that limitation

I'm having trouble finding numbers 379- 385

I want the electricity option to be fuckable

Why can't play this on my android 9

Thank you

(1 edit)

Please fix the apk file it keeps on having praising problems