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A member registered Feb 16, 2020 · View creator page →

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the concept is really cool and the game is fun, the controls need some improvement but they didn't get too much in the way of the game, the audio is REALLY good and the game looks really cute.

thanks for the review! i'm glad you liked the idea :)

thanks! i'm glad you liked it :)

pretty fun game, kind of frustrating when it comes to the moving platforms the hit detection on the spikes, but other than that it was great

thanks for the feedback! i'll try best to improve my art :)

an overall really well made and well polished game, i would definitely say it's a candidate for winning the jam

great game in many ways, cool idea, ties very well with the theme, and it's fun, and while difficulty is always nice, this game can be a bit unfair by having no checkpoints and some (very slightly) sloppy movement, but well done either way :)

the covers everything an entry in this game jam needs, the theme is very well implemented, the graphics and audio are simple and appealing, and it's very fun, being both challenging and forgiving, huge props to you good sir :)

cool game! the graphics are nice, and it's pretty challenging with diverse mechanics, well done :)

thanks for the feedback! :)

thanks for the review! i'm glad you enjoyed it :)

thanks a lot for the review and the feedback! i'm really glad you liked the game

thanks for the review! yes i didn't have a lot of time to work on the level or to make it challenging.

Nice! and good luck to you too

thanks! i'm glad you liked it

The art is really good, and the idea is very interesting, who doesn't want to play music with drills

as the title says, this is my first ever game jam, everything in the game was made by me, i tried to do my bestin order to test myself in all domains.

here's the game:
i hope you like it, and i'd love to know your feedback so i can improve :)