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Caleb Winston

A member registered May 25, 2018 · View creator page →

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FYI: This issue is fixed! The game is playable again

Thank you!

They give you money on each hit!

Yes. I made the original on Khan Academy's code editor (you can see the original here. What you see here is literally just an iframe linking to the program hosted on Khan Academy.

I've updated the game page with downloadable files containing the game.

A week back I was kind of bored so I made this thing. Not sure how to describe it but here's the link -

So I have this small HTML5 puzzle game I had made sometime back; I thought I'd release it on Let me know what you think of it. :)

Play game in browser here :

(3 edits)

As someone who doesn't have an insanely massive following, I was just kind of wondering - how do you decide to follow a dev?

Do you follow someone who seems really good at make games, someone who consistently make games at a certain quality level, someone who makes games in a genre you like, etc.

Just wondering.

(2 edits)

Hi all,

I've just gotten to a working state on this WIP non-game about a Brazilian open-air art museum in Brazil.

I don't want to spoil anything about it, but I will say that since it's still in WIP, there's still quite a bit to be added in terms of content.

Anyway, it's on now so if you want to check it out and maybe provide some feedback, I would appreciate that.

(Also, it's not very big it will literally take 2 seconds to load)

Play it in your browser here here


This should be a quick question -

Are multiple entries into the game jam allowed?

OK, so that's the fire rate. For some towers, fire rate starts off pretty low. But you can upgrade fire rate for any tower. Hope that helps.

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Snakes is an ultra-minimal tower defense game that I've been working on in on and off for sometime.

It probably has a lot of bugs in it but it's one of my better creations and a slightly innovative concept.

I would really appreciate comments, criticism, and feedback.


By aim time, do you mean time for the towers to swivel around to face the enemy? That certainly shouldn't have to be upgraded; I'll go ahead and increase the speed on that.

If you are seeing too many lines covered, it means that your tower is covering too many path segments. The maximum number of path segments that can be covered is two. So if you have a zig-zag pathway, the game won't let you place towers that cover multiple lines zig-zagging back and forth.

And thanks. :)

Oh. OK Thanks. I guess if you don't have an account, the buttons don't show up, which makes absolutely perfect sense.


Wow, didn't expect a response from you.

Thanks! That's really helpful. I'm working on some free games to publish here on Hopefully that can help me build up an "audience". Thanks again :)

(1 edit)

If you enjoyed this game, please share the link with others who may enjoy it as well. 

If you would like to be notified when I release more games like this one, follow me here. Thank you :)

If you have comments/complaints/criticism, I would really appreciate it if you could leave it in the form of a comment. If you have suggestions on weapons or levels that should be buffed or nerfed, please let me know.

Thank you! :)

Hi. I have another quick question.

I've notice that on many game pages on, the developer has buttons on the right side to view more games, follow the developer, and other things. But on the page for my game (, they don't show up. Does it not show up on all pages? Do I need to have more games, followers, or downloads to get the buttons to show up?

Hi. I recently released a platform shooter game called Thousands here on ( I was genuinely surprised by how easy it was to upload my game and I've gotten about 55 views since I released the game yesterday at around 12:00 PST.

But I was wondering - how do games get featured on's homepage? Is there somewhere I should submit my game or are there just a few people who find games that they think are good enough to be featured? Thanks in advance. :)

My apologies if this question has already been asked somewhere else.

(4 edits)


Thousands is a platformer shooter game I made in about a week. The goal of the game is simple : destroy one thousand enemies as fast as possible. Thousands will have you jumping in and out of rooms, dodging bullets, and shooting down enemies at every opportunity.

I would really appreciate it if you could check the game and let me know your thoughts. :)

You can play a demo of the game for free in your browser and download the full version for a dollar.

If you enjoy this, I would really appreciate it if you share it with family & friends who may also enjoy it. The code is open source as well, and a more share-able link to the game is right here -