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A member registered Jan 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Recent community posts thanks for lettin us know :) hope you like it here's our lil game hope you find it fufilling :D

Nice sliding game, one of our first ideas was something like this but we didn't go with it, I'm unsure how I feel about the slowness of the turning but overall its nice

Holy Moly the cutscenes are great, the gameplay is very fun, great stuff all around

Was with my team lookin at this and its so crazy lookin at this style of game replicated for a jam good job!

Thank you for the art compliments I did all art outside of the lil bushes, the tree,  MC, and snow tiles 

(1 edit)

Aside from lil things which are the obvious "woulda been better with more polish" things like machin buzz when you use scissors and such my only complaint is that when you die you get sent back to the begging and there is no running or save points so you need to backtrack a very long way. Otherwise I liked it a lot, controls work, there is no lag, the style is nice, using scissors for fighting origami is cool. 

Thanks! I just went by what first came to mind when thinking of a "modern hunter" for the design, and yes you can win the game if you kill all the jumping tentacle elk's ^^

I loved the game! Levels feel theough out and the gampelay as simple as it is really uses it to its strenght!

Worked on this game as the artist, I hope you enjoy the short adrenaline fueled game!