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A member registered May 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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No, unfortunately Cillian won't be an RO, though I am glad people are interested in him. Depending on your choices, you can at the very least become friends with him though!

Oh yes, that's a bug. Thanks for letting me know!

Without saying too much: yes, unless you decide to fully support the fae (because it wouldn't make much sense for a spy to reveal themself)

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Regarding your question, the MC's personality can change throughout the entirety of the story, you're never locked into only one set of personality traits. Though of course if you have an overwhelming amount of points leaning towards 'stoic', it might take quite a few decisions that go against that before it leans more towards 'emotional'.

I'll keep this guide as brief and spoiler free as possible. There are four possible mentors:

Lady Westwale: She'll teach you how to use a spear, as well as water divination. To impress her, you should 1) observe and remain silent, 2) express that your ideal knight is calm, 3) work together, and 4) remain steadfast.

Sir Asperame: He'll teach you how to use a rapier, as well as fire magic. To impress him, you should 1) volunteer to go first, 2) express that your ideal knight is passionate, 3) work together, and 4) forget dodging.

Chev Minne: They'll teach you how to use a sword and shield, as well as healing magic. To impress them, you should 1) observe and remain silent, 2) express that your ideal knight is tough, 3) work alone, and 4) remain steadfast.

Sir Stahlvart: He'll teach you how to use twin daggers, as well as illusion magic. To impress him, you should 1) volunteer to go first, 2) express that your ideal knight is flexible, 3) work alone, and 4) forget dodging.

The second choice is the most important one.

Your main weapon (and magic) depends on the mentor you get. There are opportunities to train with different weapons/learn different magic later on, but you'll always keep your favoured weapon. 

If you want to get a sword, you can get a sword and shield from Chev Minne, or a rapier from Sir Asperame. Let me know if you explicitly want to know what choices you need to pick for that.

Oh wow, that's quite the coincidence

Thanks for letting me know!

Glad to hear you're enjoying it!

There really aren't enough games (or stories in general) that have QPRs, or even asexual relationships, as on option. I'm ace myself, and there have been many times where I lost interest in otherwise great games because of it. It's usually all about pursuing a certain character, but then you suddenly don't get any choices when it comes to actually establishing what your partnership with them looks like! Very frustrating, and something I absolutely want to avoid. It's important to me that it is entirely up to the player to decide what their partnership looks like.

That is weird. Maybe it's something in your browser settings that's blocking it or clearing your cache. Have you tried using a different browser? You can also use the 'safe to disk' option.

Thank you so much for your support!

Thank you for your kind words!

Aww, thank you!

I haven't fully decided yet, but yes, most likely!

Yes, you can also get Lester as an option (though his relationship stats were bugged for a bit, so maybe you missed out on some points).  Then again, I think getting all five at the same time is really difficult, so if you got four of them, that's already an accomplishment.

Thank you for your lovely comment! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Thank you for your kind comment! I hope you'll enjoy what's to come!

Is the issue that you can't play past chapter 3? Someone else has that problem and I'm still trying to figure out what causes that. Are you using an old safe file?

That's very strange. It's been over half a year since that version of the game even existed. If you are downloading the game, the current file is called "", make sure that's the one you have. Have you tried playing in a browser? Also, are you trying to use an old safe file? If it's from before the release of chapter 4, it might just not work with the current version.

Is there no button that says "End of Chapter 3 - Shapeless"? How does the scene end for you?

Yes, that's a bug, unfortunately. I'll try to get it fixed. Thanks for letting me know!

Glad to hear it!

Thank you for your kind words!

Thank you for your kind comment!

You can absolutely build strong friendships with multiple people and then romance one of them. The bigger problem is that not everyone will end up on the same side of the conflict in the end. Since you're only in the first chapter I won't say too much, just that trying to be friends with everyone might be more difficult than only caring about one person, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it.

Yeah, it's sad to see how rarely anything gets finished. It's not easy to keep working on something like this consistently, but I've been doing it for almost a year now, so I feel confident in my ability to actually complete the story.


Thank you for your kind words! Seeing comments like this one really keeps me motivated :)

Thank you!

Aww, thank you!

Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying it!


Aww, thank you!

Thank you! Right now, I'm planning for it to be somewhere between 15 to 20 chapters long.

I love to hear that, that's like the highest honour

Thank you so much for your very kind comment! Glad to hear you enjoyed it :)

Yes, it depends on how close you are to them. It's possible to get Thianne as an option, but she's more difficult to get close to than Vynn and Az'Lean for example.

Thank you for your kind comment, I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it! It's very important to me that the characters feel real, and not just like romance archetypes, so it makes me extremely happy to know that that comes across in my writing.

Glad to hear it!

(1 edit)

It unfortunately means your save file isn't compatible with the current version. With a WIP, it just happens sometimes when I fix a bug or update something. You'll have to replay the game from the beginning. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Thank you for your feedback! You are right, that is something I'm still trying to get better at. This is my first time writing a dynamic protagonist, so I'm still struggling with balancing the fact that they need to have inner conflict and character development with the fact that they are supposed to still have a malleable personality. I appreciate you letting me know that you feel something is lacking there.

Thank you for your feedback! There's a few things to keep in mind:

1. Take every bit of information with a grain of salt. What Maeve tells you, what Az'Lean says, what MC thinks they know to be fact - it's all biased in some way.

2. Narratively, there wouldn't be much incentive to side with the fae and abandon everything you've ever known if the humans weren't flawed. So there is a bit more focus on that at first. (Though I do think that the writing makes it clear that the humans can be quite ruthless and vindictive. So I'm not sure what you mean by it not being depicted as bad?)

3. The fae have done some bad stuff, to be sure, like the assassination of the Queen, or stealing newborns from their families. MCs father seems to be traumatised from the battles he was in, and knights don't usually grow old.

4. Humans, as far as they know, arrived on the continent at the same time as the fae. The fae say humans arrived later and started taking land. At this point, it's impossible to know which version is true. That's why MC reacted that way - they don't just take Maeve's word for it.

5. When you look at the map, the kingdom is in the middle of the continent, while the fae lands surround it. If the humans were colonizers, you'd think they'd have settlements on the shore and expand from there. The fact that they don't doesn't have to mean anything, but I'd say it's an indicator that the situation isn't quite as clear cut.

I hope that could give you some reassurance that the conflict will indeed turn out to be nunanced!