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A member registered Oct 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's so sweet, thank you so much! I do my best to make the most immersive atmosphere possible. And yes, the whole point of why I make games is the challenge of making morally questionable characters people you can empathize with. I really appreciate the words, you made my day!

Thank you so much for the kind words! I'm really glad you persevered through the aspects of the game that annoyed you!
There is another ending, actually. After you beat the game once, you'll notice a thunder sound on the title screen. That means the new game is a new game+, which is basically the same thing except for two things: Superman gets a new ability, and you're given a choice on the Morrigan fight that leads to the other ending. Actually, if you have a save file before the Morrigan fight, you can get that choice even without starting a new game. I wouldn't call neither ending "good" or "bad", they're just different.

I can't say you are being unfair because other people had this complaint as well. I've watched different people playing and they had different experiences. Some liked to strategize and were satisfied when strategy worked; some found it balanced; some found it irritating, like you; and to some it was just impossible. Anyways, if "it misses" is what you're getting the most, maybe focus more on AGI? And if you do move further, please let me know your thoughts!

Aw, sorry to hear that. I heard complaints about the rng, and though it goes both ways, it does seem that the emotional and cognitive impact of negative outcomes is stronger. Or maybe you were just unlucky. But still, every battle is designed to allow for strategies that rely less on luck. It's good to experiment.

For some reason this game flew under my radar, but I finally got around to playing it. I'm very curious about Z, curious about mysterious diseases, and I adore games based on real events, so this was a quite meaningful experience to me. I felt a strong connection to the story, which was beautifully written and presented. I would say it's a game about what it means to be human. A wonderful piece of art created by a wonder person.

You were made by sex.

I played a version I downloaded last week, and after the third coliseum fight the game asked me to save and went black and frozen. If I load that save, it's also black and frozen. Is that the end of the demo? Or was that a bug? I downloaded this new version but got the same error.

Made a custom phone case from the book!

(1 edit)

This game is devilishly well written.
After day 2 I couldn't stop playing.
And it has the best sex scene I've ever watched in a game.
I want to be able to rewatch the opening music, how do I find it? (nevermind, found it, love it)

I love games that have minimalist design but are still fun and have room for thinking. Great job.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I always make games imagining how the player will react to specific bits and scenes, but I never thought of how two players would react, sharing the experience must be a lot more fun!

Glad you liked it! I'm guessing you're the one who joined our Discord!

That's really lovely, thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the game and got that far!

You're suggesting I should share the source code of the game so people could make edits?

I'm still trying to figure this game out, but it has such a charm in its simplicity, I really like it.

Thank you! It seems to be working now! Sadly for you, I'm a pretty good bug hunter hahaha. I found a bug that probably not a big deal, but you never know. I was testing with keys and typing texts, when it reached a point where each time I typed a letter it would give me 3 of them. Like II aamm ttyyppiinngg nnooww. I try to replicate the bug, and eventually I did that by interacting with the event and holding the Enter button. It would quickly skipe the input, but next time it gave me double letters. I also came across moments when one key stopped working and I had to press another to interact with the event, but I'm not sure what caused it. Anyway, I feel like the fact that multiple keys can be used to activate the plugin is an issue. In any case, this might be something to ignore. I'll keep in touch in case anything serious comes up when I'm using it in my game.

So, same problem, kinda.
I tested it closer and I noticed something: it actually works if I use either the ENTER key or the gamepad button. But it autocloses if I use SPACE or Z. And when it autocloses I can't even interact again (it's like the confirm key is disabled).

I just want to say this game plays to none of my kinks, and I still think it's a fantastic game and I enjoyed it a lot.

I'm using RPG Maker MV on Windows.

Sadly, it still doesn't work. The text box appears and closes itself immediately. I noticed I still get the "Enter your message..." place holder if I use the plugin command with no parameters, which means there are specified parameters in the plugin's own code, which shouldn't happen.

Thanks! I'm having trouble making it work though. If I follow the example exactly, the placeholder text is only "Enter", and the message closes before I can type anything. If I reduce the placeholder text, same thing happens. Also, why does the example have 5 parameters? (what is "John"?).
If I remove the first parameter I get a blank window in which I can type and it doesn't close, but eventually I get the missing image error and I can't leave that window.

Waiting for fixes :)

Can't wait for MV compatibility!

I  thought it looked good, well drawn, nice interface and relatable writing. Well done. A bit too slow for me. And mostly I stopped playing because I felt like the dog would die in the end, and I didn't want to see that. If it did happen, I'm sorry for your dog. You did your best.

I'm the worst patient in the world. If my therapist said "again" that many times after I failed, I'd punch him.

This game felt like a sleight of hand. From the game page to the long apologetic intro, you create a mindset of "this is going to be a rough, shitty game," and when I actually got to play it, I was faced with the opposite.

This game is surprisingly polished, well written, and well structured. It's not only visually and aurally quite charming, but very effective in reproducing the psychological experience of Benny making that trip and meeting Riggy and DZ, which is what I think is the whole point. I understand you were not able to properly design the dialog system you wanted, but what you did worked in terms of differentiating the overt experience (what was being said) from the covert experience (what was being thought), and that created immense empathy with the character (you!), which I loved. I also think it did a great job creating connections with the NPCs - it's not easy making Riggy and DZ awesome in game as they are in real life!

There are just two things I'd change about this game: to remove all the info dump about what the game is not, because it's honestly good enough; and add a hug sprite for when you meet DZ and Riggy (I can make that), because the scene called for it! XD

Socks = been knocked off.

Makes sense! If you use the saw (or the pliers, if I'm not mistaken) on any doll part, it breaks it... so best to avoid spamming the button indeed! Good luck on your next surgeries, and tell me if you have any more problems!

You need to aim based on the position where the arm/leg is going to be, not on the cross cursor. I added that instruction on version 1.1.

The cloth cleans blood stains, but it leaves some small red dots, which don't need to be wiped. The stains themselves are not supposed to be hard to clean. Maybe you forgot some part (face?). But if you're not getting the message "wipe off all blood", it means you haven't attached all doll parts yet.

Best feedback <3

Not that type of game. You should try it anyway, it might help you develop new fantasies.

I found this game to be surprisingly charming. Great work.

When changing settings

Bought it on Drive Thru RPG and had it printed because it's the best looking RPG book ever.

Any chance of getting a print version of this?

I'm glad you're enjoying it! I've always been a fan of superheroes, but to be honest, there isn't much superhero stuff out there recently I actually enjoy. I tried making it its own thing!
I hope the RTP podcast feature works out! I'm curious ^^

I'm really glad you're enjoying the story and the presentation and that they're making the challenging battles worthwhile! If you do get to finish it, I'm really curious to hear your thoughts on the whole story!

I'm glad you're enjoying it! That's the kind of feedback that keeps me motivated to keep going. Thank you so much!

Thank you for playing! I'll take your considerations into account for future updates!

Nice! It's a completely different game, but I hope you enjoy it too!

I don't want to be rich, I just want to disturb people.

Oooh, nice, hadn't seen you MZing before!
I played it a bit, and it looks quite polished and pleasant. But I couldn't tell what kind of game it is. What do you have in store for us?