we know the gameplay is laggy, we only noriced after the submission period was over, but i am hoping we do a reimagned version soon so we have more time to work out a few more things! (Btw, one frame from the begining intro was unused, and one sprite from the begining cutscene was unused)
Recent community posts
I really like the art for the game! Kinda reminds of mindwave if that makes sense, its kinda confusing at times and hard gameplaw wise, but its real fun!!
if i had any complaints, it would be the camera, sometimes when i lost, the camera would take a bit long to get back to the character and i wouldnt know what to do now because i couldnt see what was happening, overall good game!!
I dunno if you mean art for games or art in general, but i can work on sprite artwork!! im good at normal and pixel, i can show you my artstye through discord so you can see if it fits or if you like it :3 im not really good with backgrounds though so you might need to find someone on that... but i can always try!! i do art in general and i have done some sprites for fun, but never for a game