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A member registered Dec 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I've noticed a few minor bugs unexpected features:

  • I accidentally right-clicked in the investigation board screen and that toggled auto mode, which confused me a few times until I reread the options page
  • I have a dual-screen setup, and noticed that pressing escape with another window in focus (e.g. when typing a note in a text editor) causes the game to quit
  • I was able to accidentally play an empty word in the card game :c
(2 edits)

Hey, I've just read the bit about the investigation phase ending in spring 2023, but (1) spring is a different part of the year depending on location and (2) I follow a different set of seasons here than in the rest of the world. Google tells me it starts around March in America, is that when you mean?

soweli li pona

waso li pona

kijetesantakalu li pona

mi lape la, musi ni li lape sama a! ni li nasa anu seme? ilo musi mi li ilo toki lili. 

musi ni li pona a!!

I just remembered I didn't end up replying to you; in my case, downloading the other version of the game solved it for me. All my drivers were already up to date, but I didn't end up seeing if using directX helped, so I might try that later for completeness.

Thank you for your help!!!

I've just installed on a relatively new (only a few months old) windows 10 system, and I found that I can't launch the game, either from the itch UI or directly using the executable. I'm not getting any error logs, and the process is only appearing in Task Manager for a second or so.

Hey, is there any preferred channel for bug reporting? My silver slut trophy turned into a potted plant, and then became unavailable after removing it from my room.

Update: I have windows too now! I can't wait to play these!!!

I tried, and it almost worked, but, I can't click anything on the title page, and it crashes (page fault) if I use the keyboard :(

Is there any way you can make this series available on Linux?
They all look so cute!!!

I love this game so much!!!
It's so sweet, and it made me blush a bunch, and the dragon really is hecking cute.