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A member registered Jun 03, 2021

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Thank you for the speedy reply!  I'm glad to know there's some at least.  So I can definitely expect more than one or two scenes? If there's a fairly large amount, then I can promise you that you have a new customer!

This looks really promising.  How much bondage and especially gags is there- sort of before I  buy information? :)

Yup, I found it. 

I felt like such an idiot, it was just an open door! I thought it was glass and assumed you weren't supposed to go that way. Boy do I have an egg on my face!

And yup, I've beaten it, and can't wait to see if the dev updates it with more content! 

Thanks for your help!

But I can't even tell which door you're supposed to go out.  What do you mean by constantly using R?

Absolutely fantastic.  Recommending it to all my like minded friends. But I have to ask, how on earth are you supposed to get out of the second to last level?