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A member registered Jun 01, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey! Thanks a lot for your feedback, I'm glad you like the game ;) By the way, new update is gonna be released this weekend. It's already available in private version but may contain bugs, which I'm fixing right now :)

Thanks a lot! I think next update would be released in March so stay tuned ;)

Hey! Thanks a lot, I really appreciate that :) And can you please rate the game?

Hey, thanks! I'm glad that you like the game but according to the low player base I'm not sure if it will have any success...

В лесу под деревьями. Есть несколько у второго схрона в лесу, там костёр и мешок и рядом с этим схроном есть три штуки под деревьями. Его можно найти если при выходе из деревни (основной/северный) пойти на северо-запад. Также в северном лесу встречаются.

Привет. Вам следовало идти прямо, а не сворачивать вправо:

Hey! I can't say right now. To port it on Mac I need to have Mac at least for testing the build.

А чего тогда на русском не напишите?:)

You can find some near the village (closer to the water side), and also left to the path to the forest (where the first wolf spawns).

Your welcome! Feel free to give your feedback if you find any bugs or have some ideas about the game :)

Минерал выпадает с небольшим шансом (в районе 2%), а так как руда не спавнится, то я не продумал этот момент в этом билде... Его можно купить у Малагдэра (торговец), но... он не спавнится в демо билде. Если есть желание - добавьте в дискорде (catinmask) и я добавлю Вам этот минерал. По квесту - он глобальный и не совсем обязательно всех расспрашивать ибо можно продвинуться поговорив с торговцем. И да, квест пока еще не завершен.

Hey! Malagdaer does not spawn in demo build, sorry

The stash on the first screenshot has cooking pot, and in the campfire you can get frying pan...

Там где крысы по квесту Йотры, где ещё надо было замок взламывать

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Я хочу сделать отображение статов (голод, жажда...) как отдельный перк для большего интереса. А так макс. значение голода = 100 (без учёта переедания что чуть выше) и если бы я писал не +3, а +3%, то это может ввести в ступор уже других игроков. И да, я ускорю переваривание пищи, чтобы убрать недопонимание.
С пауками могут быть проблемы если используете оружие с маленьким радиусом. Советую попробовать перейти на мечи или дубины, одна, кстати, есть в хранилище (думаю Вы её не заметили :D). У этих типов оружия выше радиус атаки, но и затраты сил на удар выше.
И да, нет проблем, это не претензии, а Ваше мнение на некоторые моменты игры и причём вполне адекватное :)

Near the second stash in the campfire. On can find it near the forest on the north-west.

Привет. У еды есть параметр "длительность" и он отвечает за то насколько долго будет перевариваться еда. Если у еды написано +6 Еда и 60 длительность значит она будет восстанавливать 6/60 = 0.1 единицы еды в секунду пока еда не усвоится.

Hey! Thanks for you feedback. When you eat food your food meter does not replenished instantly but takes some time (check food duration value). But still I know about this problem and gonna publish patch soon. Also I can fix your save so not keep you waiting, just send me your save file to my discord: Catinmask

Get at least 2 iron ore (grey), add them to the blacksmith

set the mold for smelting like in the recipe and start smelting. I would improve UI and this mechanic in the future updates.

I will rebalance the lockpicking in the next update, but now it's up to you. Try saving before lockpicking. And the bathhouse is the closest house to the water

Here's fishing basket location. And no Shaartan does not have mortar so use instruments she has, you'r gonna need to find it in future quest.

Hey! Please add me in discord "Catinmask" and send me your save file here, I'll try to help you and figure out what caused the problem. And the merchant is not added in the demo build, sorry.

Your welcome! I hope you'll enjoy the game :)

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It's a quest item, you only need it for the quest.

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Hey! Thanks a lot for your feeback! Most of the bugs you've mentioned are already fixed (don't forget it's a public build and it's 1 year old already), but thanks anyway. And if you forget to save manually then use quick saves (F5 by default), they have index system and you can use up to 10 (or 20 don't quite remember how much in this build) before the game starts rewriting older quicksaves.

And by the way I'm gonna upload new build soon (I hope to finish all in this month) I'm only need to finish adult animations so not much left... but for now you can check some new stuff I've already added to the game (check video).

And don't forget that you can rate my game, it helps me a lot ;)

Hey! You can get them by collecting nettles, but they drop with some random chance. Higher Alchemy skill levels will increase their drop chances.

Can you please record a video with your problem? You can send it to me by Discord, here's mine: catinmask

Hey! Try deleting Settings folder in Aurora's Fog_Data/Saves (or just delete Saves). And what screen resolution do you have? And please report about the bugs as soon as possible especially if they are critical so I could help you.

Hey! Sorry, but I don't understand your question. Can you please add more details?

Thanks a lot :)

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I was not trying to make it more modern but make it in different style. Previous house was done in more west european style, and current in more eastern. Plus I was planning to make it wooden but it would take more time so I decided to make clay variant which was used too in medieval.

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Релиза 1.0 придётся ждать долго, ибо в планах пока только релиз 0.1...

Perks and skills are two different thing so yea it won't be effected

The 2 other flowers is not added yet but recipe would work just fine with some minimal ingredients (in this case water+ chamomile flowers)

Hey! Yes, this how it works now. Sometimes you may find recipes in game world but they may be in a bad condition so you either try to craft this way or try buying better quality recipe from the trader. And as far as I remember you need water + 3 chamomile flowers.

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Hey! I hope to finish all planned work in about month or two and start closed testing. And after testing is finished and fixing found bugs I would update the game to version 0.1. I'm gonna be adding more devlogs so you could get more news about the project.

And yeah... I've switched from patreon to boosty because I could not withdraw any money from it for about 3 years, and now boosty has problems with paypal so yeah... what a luck

Привет! Спасибо большое за отзыв, я рад что Вам понравилась игра ;) Работы над версией 0.1 осталось не так много, так что надеюсь в скором времени порадовать Вас обновой ;)

You can buy from Malagdaer, if I'm not mistaken.