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Caytie Cat

A member registered Feb 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Looks like a cash grab tbh

Also seemingly no loadouts, which is the whole fun part

I imagine you could decide who goes first by using a coin flip system

Unfortunately I don't have the cash at the moment to purchase this game, but I've loved watching ppl play this game

I just wanna know, any chance for some sort of multiplayer mode? The game seems almost made for it

Looks like it's fixed


(1 edit)

either I'm missing what I need to do with this, I forgot I already got this, or it's a bug
No matter what I do around this vending machine, nothing happens

omg somehow I missed dying to the normal Spikos from the first level, the dumb

I thought I did everything how do I get these 2 aghh
The first one says something about "eating a cucumber", which aside from the innuendo, I don't know what that means
And the 2nd tells me to die to an enemy, but there are no more enemies? Unless there's like a secret area or sumthin

Bug: After completion of an ending (once you're back on the title screen), the music doesn't end, overlapping with any other track that plays

Any updates on the thief climbing bug fix?
I seemed to experience it right after flipping the fire seal and dying and I saved so without an update it seems I'd have to start a new save and I really don't want to do that

Is it even possible to download an older version of it?

Ohh I didn't think about using an earlier version of the og game
My bad

I'm on Windows
But I just can't figure out how to download the mod
I've tried both the 19.2 file and the www file, but all that I've gotten to happen is that the mod options are added, but it's just a black void with random colors