Wow. Yea I've been playing that the monster chooses only one of its attacks.
Recent community posts
Interesting. Take the Stone Demon for example that has 3 attacks: Club, Ground Slam, and Grab. So the Stone Demon would do all three attacks but only take the highest damage roll?
Example combat between Stone Demon and a Scout
It's the Stone Demon's turn and it attacks with a Club and rolls a 4 on a d6. It then uses Ground Slam and rolls a 3. It then tries to Grab my Scout. My Scout fails their save and takes 5 damage from the grab. So my Scout would only take 5 damage total and is grabbed as well.
Is that correct?
Thanks for the reply and the update. However I think there's another error and it's for Backstab. Under the Scout it states a failed DEX save results in an attack from the target with damage advantage. Under the equipment skills it says the retaliatory attack is double damage. I'm assuming the backstab entry under the Scout is correct. But wanted to check with you. Thanks again for an amazing game. Cheers.
I love this game. It's fantastic. The only thing its missing is more monsters. Are there any additional tips for converting monsters from other games? You mentioned using Cairn as inspiration. But I'm still not really seeing how you did it. Take the Draugr for example in Cairn:
12 HP, 2 Armor, 15 STR, 9 DEX, 13 WIL, rusty broadsword (d8)
Runecairn version
8 Res, 1 Def, 11 Str, 8 Dex, 9 Wit, 6 Spi, 20ft, spear/axe (d6)
Resilience is basically HP. Armor is Defense. Will I assume is the same as Spirit?
Any specific guidelines you could offer would be amazing? Thanks!
I assume the answer to this is yes but want to be sure. If your inventory slots reach 10 then you effectively have a resilience of 0 at that point. Can fatigue from using abilities cause this to happen? Or does only items? I.E. So say I'm playing a Scout and have 5 inventory slots available. I use 5 fatigue during a combat that brings my inventory capacity up to 10. Would my resilience be 0?