Loving Harpers Quest! I'm really missing having classes though. Do you have any advice or tips if I wanted to assign an adventurer a class or role mechanically and not just through roleplay?
Glad you're enjoying the game! I avoided races/classes mostly because I find the extra mechanics difficult to keep track of. If there is a game you really like the classes for, then I would look at those and morph them into HQ2 stats. If you use the six main stats you can translate to HQ2 stats.
Strength and Constitution = HQ2 Strength
Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma = HQ2 Wisdom
Dexterity = HQ2 Dexterity
So then you'll probably need to fudge your stat rolls to fit into those archetypes.
Class abilities like pick locks or immunities then can be applied in game. If your class can pick locks, then you can either just do that without rolling on the relevant stat, like dexterity, or roll with advantage (minus 3).
I have not tested these ideas just brainstorming. Experiment and see what works!