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A member registered Nov 06, 2018 · View creator page →

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I didn't really have gamepad support in mind when i built it (it started as a level editor thingie for a game that never got released).

I think i would have to rewrite most of the lib to implement it cleanly, i'm open to ideas tho, what do you have in mind?


(4 edits)

Hi, sorry for the delayed answer, i'm just back from vacations.

First of all, create a script file that will hold your callback functions, then, create the callback function itself, inside of it.

(Basically, the script files are treated like containers for callback functions, you don't call the file itself, but the functions inside of it).

For example:

function MyCallbackFunction() {

  /// That's the body of your function


Then, when you add elements to your menu, just pass the name of the function, since it's inside a script, you can call it from anywhere, the name will be orange (a way to make sure you type it right).


var _main = Add_Group("Main Menu");

        _main.Add_element(GGL_sub_button,    "DoSomething", MyCallbackFunction, _dx,      0, _w, _h);

Hi, you were faster than me ^^

I'll have a look and update the packages accordingly, 

thanks for the bug report :)


The generator is a very cool pro consumer move, thank you!

The fonts provided are placeholders, feel free to edit or replace them.

With a button at minimum size, a font of size 8 does the trick

Looks very good, i'd gladly buy it if you were to release a parallax version

Hi, it seems your font is too big for the size of the button, try lowering the font size, works on my end.

Let me know if it's still not working for you, i'll look further into it.

It looks really good, do you plan on drawing characters too?

nice pack, but the car style is topview while the rest is topdown, it feels like the car is not fitting the rest

Looks good, but it's a bit expensive

Hi there,

Thanks for the feedback, i found the bug with the panels, somehow, the sub panel doesn't find it's own sprite when trying to rescale, i made a quick and dirty fix by setting the sprite to a default value if not found, along with an error message (which you can delete if you prefer).

I'll investigate further to make it clean, in the meantime, it should work as expected.

Regarding the fonts, the "font" variable on the menu object is the font used to draw the menu's name, not the sub menu elements,

i added 3 functions to GGL_sub_container to handle the fonts:

- Set_all_fonts(font) => sets the font of the container's label and all of it's sub elements

- Set_sub_font(element, font) => sets the font of a particular element inside the container

- Set_all_sub_fonts() => sets the labels of all the sub elements inside the container

I'm not familiar with stanncam but i'll look into it, GGL relies on display_get_gui_width() and display_get_gui_height() to calculate the center position, could your camera modify the GUI size perhaps?

GGL_v1.10.0 is awailable with the aforementioned fixes!

Merci pour ton retour :)

En effet, certains obstacles sont difficiles, je vais voir pour qu'on les rencontre moins souvent.

The problem has been identified and solved! (a check was needed to see if the textbox was writable before updating the value).

Thanks for your bug report, you can download the latest update, 1.0.9 which corrects it

Hi, sure, i'll look into it

Thanks :)

Hi, did you manage resolve the problem?

The stackable filters are drawn in the normal draw call at camera coordinates, the non stackable are drawn in the GUI draw calls and they disable auto drawing of the application surface.

Could you give me some details about what effect isn't working properly?

Hi, for now, i have no plans of making a full game out of it, maybe later :)

Hi, yes, it's still being updated, and i'm open to suggestions regarding features, what do you have in mind?

Hi, the license is "do what you want with it" :)

damn, i missed the flash sale :/

(1 edit)

Hi, really cool character, i'm having fun building my game with it!

 i have a suggestion, a push animation (like pushing a block) would be a great addition

(1 edit)

Hi, i bought this a while ago, and it's still kinda unusable for me in this state, everything is all around the place, the character animations spritesheet are so condensed without separations or indications, i don't know what is what, would it be possible to repackage the whole thing please?

Hey, no problem, i'm glad you found what whas causing the issue because i couldnt find it on my end.

(2 edits)

Hi, sure, i'll look into it, can you tell me which object in particular gives you this error (i assume its the text boxes)?

I ran the latest GGL version with the latest gms2 version and couldnt replicate the bug.

Are you having the problem when you run demo rooms by the way?

hey, thanks for playing!

I'm not allowed to post the source code as it was done as an assignment for a gamedev course.

Hey, thanks for playing, and thanks for your feedback! :)

Hey, nice pack!

Would it be possible to have a few demo tiles? i'm looking for a dungeon'esque tileset for my game, i'm considering this one, but i'm not 100% sure it's a fit.

(1 edit)

Hey, you can drop the GUI elements directly into your scenes or you can build GUI menus by inheriting from "parent_GGL_menu",

There's a demo menu located in demo room 12, called "obj_GGL_demo_menu_inherited", check out the create event of this object, the whole menu creation process is commented.

Let me know if you have trouble setting it up.

Content que ça t'ai plu :D

merci, à toi aussi :)

Thanks :)

Death to the Barrax Empire!

Hey, i just found a bug that makes the app crash, on the "Burst" tab, right click on any control, then click cancel on the popup.



action number 1

of Other Event: User Defined 2

for object obj_fl_slider_knob:

(null) argument 1 incorrect type (undefined) expecting a Number (YYGR)############################################################################################

gml_Object_obj_fl_slider_knob_Other_12 (line 4)

gml_Object_obj_fl_slider_Other_12 (line 7)

gml_Object_obj_ui_slider_hor_Step_0 (line 6)

Hi, nice work, what is the size of the tiles?

It look really good, would it be possible to make a version with a less saturated palette?

hi, no audio demo?

Thanks for the quick answer, indeed, i was trying to save the file in a subfolder inside the app's folder, problem solved :)

Hey, i noticed that when i try to save a preset or save a project, the file is not created and the preset i'm currently working on gets bugged, could you look into it please?