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A member registered Oct 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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The recall function is excellent. I'd like to see this developed further. I also like your layout as being different from the text adventures I played in my youth. Seems to be less about knowing what items to grab, and more focused on asking the right questions which is great for solving a mystery.

I dig the concept and would be interested to see it developed further.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback. I have not yet figured out how to change the name of the program itself using GMS2.

*EDIT* Also, I now see that in GMS2 you can build it as a zip file as opposed to an installer. Thanks again for the feedback.

Yes, there’s a lot that I wanted to do with this that I just didn’t have the knowledge/time for, making the game full screen was one of them.

Being that this is my first game, and first game jam, I wanted to ensure that I submitted something to meet the deadline. This was a good learning experience.

Thank you for getting in touch.