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A member registered May 02, 2022

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I played through all the game for the first time the last two weeks so Time for the review 

To start with , i don't know if it means to be but the scene with Nancy in the party unlocks even if you choose the option which just sticks with normal talk and maybe at one moment there was one word missing but other Than that there was no bug (just lag sometimes but it's my pc and it was rare so nothing Bad here)

So now , the good things , the game is really really really great , it's really immersive and i could Never see the Time pass , the story and the characters are really well writed , maybe the only little thing is between what seemed to end 0.5 and begins 0.6 , the crazy theory lack of a little explanation with how the characters Come to think of that (even if After it's explained and all but when they Said that , i was thinking i missed something) and even when horror is not my thing so much , you are making it very cool to play

And as for the girls , i clearly have a favorite , it's Luna , she has a lot of things i like about her , personnality , hobby , story ... Yeah maybe i like all about her

Looking forward to see the next update for more , i'm really hype (maybe in the meantime i will play your other game to wait for the next version)

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I'm back from the dead with New ones, i was trying the recollection room 

I played the for your question, maybe that's why (at least, it's what is written on the files)

So here's a few bugs i found there 

Physsea's illusion pictures are not appearing , it's like they don't exist in the recollection room

Winryna special scent her ass game over let a picture on the screen after the end of the scene 

The blue haired evil bunny's game over scene (breast expansion) gives you a Real game over and Ask you to reload a save 

Hey , good game, i will write hère what bug i found

 They are some small bugs with the Ally section 

If you choose nothing while talking to your Ally , it will Say it's Sonia who answers if you are in an equal for the 3 i test 

Sometimes it will trigger a dom battle while you are equal , it's a little random 

Height sharing not working correctly ? If you refuse one Ally and if you dissolve an alliance 

And for not the Ally section , the wait button sometimes trigger talk with a girl when they are on each other so basically you Can Do Time skip and battle and you skip one quarter of day 

And one question , is it normal that the night assassin triggers a battle to instantly loose ?

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Found an other one 😂

In the fountains rooms , there is smoke in the right room corner left down showing something 

Then if you took the Magics circles , this something will playing again and again and you can't continue 

(Edit) a second one: when you sniff winryna ass in the 3rd Time she is assbullying you in battle , she drains you , then you push her away , and she drains you immediatly a second Time as if you refused to sniff her ass 

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i will try thanks 

(Edit) i finally beat her with god RNG at this level x) , i was only 92 but i didn't have any real trouble before this boss (i Lost some Time to other boss but nothing majeur)

(Edit 2) the first physsea fight 

So for the Queen , admit she is supposely Draining because you sleep but hitting you a second Time so it's wake you up , you are not be draining but the music will change but you are not being drain (i think it's like this i triggered it ? I made it some hours ago already but it's something like that 

Oh i also i forgot , i dropped the cheat item to not have random encounters on a late boss (can't tell which , i Saw it on the mermaid zone After beating thé vampire succubus) ,  is that normal ?

No problem ,i will continue 

So the casino Queen Bunny boss has one music bug, when she is supposed to drain you but fail , the music becomes the music of the drain instead of staying the boss battle one 

Also i think physsea's boss fight (third general) is unballanced , i try to beat her during 2 hours but Lost everytime due to drain too much , i Lost no level to her Trap room , she sometimes randomly attack you twice in a Turn so she Can sometimes heal until 50k while i'm doing 20k (the same amount she heals herself in moyenne) , the dream state make her almost invincible for a few Turn (not from nightmare Sly but you do so little to her that she could full heal herself in this) 

At the entrance of the Castle , when they are double trap assing you and you surrender there , the game over screen only show rhissa's basic game over , not the two of them 

Yes , wasn't writing the name in case of spoiling when we battle her 

Also when you beg to the second general, at some point , it uses an other name (yeah i like to explore all the possibilities)

yes , i mean her , in faehrim 

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Nevermind i remember there was a way to recover the skills but i'm still stuck with the do nothing , resist and push her but i Can still play 

Hey , i found a bug , so i beat Zae something (can't remember her name) and i Lost a little later without saving 

The second Time i beat her , i was during her attempt to drain , i kill her there , but now i'm stuck because the battle think i'm still trying to fought back her , i have a save one boss before her in case of but if you have a solution in mind 

Although thanks for the great game 

No problem if you can't , moght just be the snow and the rain making too many things on the screen making it slow down 

I'm AT 35% on my pc and 75-80% of memory on my task manager

Took from both Ma'riskia and Syrianna's games and the FPS are pretty much the same (i check the other in case but they are AT 60.)

I have 4GO of RAM, i don't know if you want anything else , but i put it in a file , for 0.1 i just play when i download all , i don't think it suppose to change anything but in case , i tell you

Three Times slower Than in normal (do this with Ma'riskia game Also) 

Maybe it's juste my pc but when Ma'riskia game IS during 4min30s instead of 1min30s , it's a lot harder because in her game , only the timer runs slowly i feel 

In Syrianna's game , when the timer IS on, the game slow a lot but when you leave the building, it's not snowing and the game's speed come back to normal , while in the 0.1 , it was running normally all the Time 

Beside that ,great update , i'm looking foward for more 

Hello , succubus tales is a wonderful game and i'm looking forward for the next update

But here I found a strange bug that I haven't got the last time

During Theresa's corruption , we need a rock stone in a mine and if we go to the capital after we have the rock , we will enter to the map and still stuck there with no possibility to get out 

And also , i extracted the save files for the game during my play and an error occur when i want to save later , so i lost my progress :( (i don't know if it's something I might not to do or it's really a bug but i wanted to say it just in case)

I hope you will understand how i have these bug and I hope you can correct them.