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Hey , good game, i will write hère what bug i found

 They are some small bugs with the Ally section 

If you choose nothing while talking to your Ally , it will Say it's Sonia who answers if you are in an equal for the 3 i test 

Sometimes it will trigger a dom battle while you are equal , it's a little random 

Height sharing not working correctly ? If you refuse one Ally and if you dissolve an alliance 

And for not the Ally section , the wait button sometimes trigger talk with a girl when they are on each other so basically you Can Do Time skip and battle and you skip one quarter of day 

And one question , is it normal that the night assassin triggers a battle to instantly loose ?


The ally stuff will be re-worked in time. It's rather clunky and debugging it is rather difficult since it's about 20 different parts working at once. 

And no, the assassin fight shouldn't be an instant loss.