Ok, today I have 7 days waiting and still have not paid me, is it normal these days? Is it because of the problems they are having to serve the community?
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Hello, I also have a pending payment that takes 32 days in review, send an email to technical support (support@itch.io using outlook, I can't send a message on twitter, I do not know why) yesterday and I am waiting for an answer. I read that you are making changes in your platform and I would like to know how that will affect the payment methods and what will change.
EDIT: the technical support answered me but I can not find the payment option through paypal, they eliminated that method of payment ?.
Well hello, i have many problems with my paypal account for that i don't have any place for collect my payments and my question is ¿For how long can I keep my money here?, i will spend some time without an account available (I do not know when I get it back), so I would like to know if I can save what I collect here, that is the reason why I have not published more things, I have several packs ready but I have not wanted to publish them this reason. I would also like to know if I can use an account that is not mine to receive payments.
80% google translator xD, sorry for that.
Hello and sorry for my english, a friend recomendme this page and looks great for work and play, the comunity looks great too.
Well, i try to sell a game asset character but don't appears in the store, i looking for answers but in many sections says things like "don't mark the option X" or "dismark the option X" but i don't have any this problems, i edit many times the project page and everything is public.
Should I wait for an administrator to review my work?, if that's the case, sorry for the inconvenience.