I am a developer and I wanted to try out sandbox with my game. I have read what I could find about it here: https://itch.io/docs/itch/using/sandbox.html, and also about Sandbox opt-in on this page: https://itch.io/docs/itch/integrating/manifest-actions.html
I first tried in the itch client enabling the sandbox option in the preferences (I hadn't yet added the sandbox=true opt-in in my game manifest). I then tried a fresh install of my game and ran it. It behaved exactly as before. Installed to the same location, files it generates while running, logs, settings, game saves, all went right in the same location.
Then I tried adding the "sandbox=true" opt-in in my game manifest, pushed up a new version with butler and updated my game using the client. Again, it ran as before, all files going to the same place.
Ok, so now a little more information to help give some context, I am running Windows 10, the "C:/Users/itch-player-XXXXX" account seems to have been created (I haven't gone poking around in there, as I wasn't sure I should). I believe this was created when I enabled the sandbox on the client under preferences. If there is something I missed mentioning that would be helpful to know let me know.
I want to help ensure that future users of my game can feel as comfrotable and secure as possible and want to ensure I am doing things that are compatible with the sandbox mode.