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A member registered Aug 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Just an heads up, it looks like the Discord server invite you posted has expired. When creating a Discord invite it will, by default, expire in 7 days after its creation. To change that, select “Edit invite link” under the URL of the invite, and set the expire time to “Never”.

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I’m really amazed with how polished and feature-complete this game, it’s also really challenging, I didn’t even complete the Snowy Lands biome yet. The upgrades system is neat, and the story too, I find the little intro at the start of the game really well done. Nice job :).

The splash and menu screens are really neat, also the way the game screen stretches to fill the window is pretty cool, I like being able to play the game fullscreen. As for the gameplay I feel it’s pretty cool :), the moon orbiting and blocking asteroids is a nice gameplay element, took me some time to get the hang of it, I’m not really good aiming at the asteroids.

This is a pretty cool entry, I feel some “retro game” vibes that I really like :). The audio is pretty cool too! Next time I make my game I should add some nice audio, it really adds the touch.