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A member registered Sep 25, 2016

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(1 edit)

I think you need to get the Veteran Hall built. When that's done, click on 'Details' for your character and at the bottom, you should find the option 'retire' which gives you a NG+

Correction - I still think it's the Veteran Hall but you'll need to click on 'Company' in the menu and then scroll down until you find 'retire'.

Appreciate the update.

Sad to see that mpreg was removed (for now) but appreciate that you plan to add it as a researchable option. I think that's actually a really good compromise allowing some control for people on whether they want it in the game or not.

Good luck with the other project as well, but as was said - make sure you don't burn yourself out. 


It's actually completely irrelevant.

I've had male characters with and without the fertile trait get pregnant, and also had a male character get pregnant from a female during fingering, lol. So, it seems that there is currently no limitation.
I'd love for this to be an ongoing option (a simple toggle) - but I also think that currently, it's not quite working as intended.

Hoping for it to be a toggle, or a selective option.

I get it's not for everyone, but I'd really like to have the option available.

Some of the races also have the ability 'Capture' which can be used during combat.

I know Imp has it, and I think Hobgoblin as well and at least one other race. Can be checked upon character creation.

I am a notorious 'restarter' so I've also never really gotten far, because I feel I've learned something important that made my life harder - so I am not very far into the game. 

That being said - I did figure it was equipment but for some reason, my brain tried to convince me it had to be a fully set - which included the weapon slot - which is locked to the class, haha, so yeah, I built myself a mental roadblock there.

Really appreciate the info, though, this actually makes me life much, much easier. Thanks!

Maybe a dumb question - but how does one 'turn' a normal hero class into a cursed class?
One of the quests demands that a hero is hired and turned and trained to a veteran maid, but I seem to be unable to find or use any item that would actually change her into maid. I have a few items here and there that I can equip but others I cannot.
I thought that changing a weapon would change the class, but that's clearly not right and the 'change' class option doesn't include cursed classes. I also tried to just lock them into a job and see if that changes their class but so far - that didn't do the trick either.

Haven't really found any guides or tips on how to deal with this stuff.

Just a bit of love from me! 

Thank you once again for some great work, amazing communication and just doing what you do. Always happy to support your work. 

I am only 2 routes in and you've already surprised me and given me more than I had expected. You made me laugh out loud and have a teary eye.

So thank you and all the best.

Ist schon ok, aber ich bin eventuell auch aus anderen Fällen etwas vorgeprägt und war deshalb eventuell etwas hart. Wie gesagt, jeder versteht, dass die momentane Situation nicht leicht ist und dass es jeden Tag neue Herausforderungen gibt. 
Aber je länger Stille herrscht, desto schlechter wird die Laune und desto schwerer wird es, dann endlich was zu schreiben. 

Es muss kein Buch sein, was ihr schreibt. Aber einmal im Monat eine kleine Zeile "wir sind noch da, wir arbeiten dran" oder "hier ist ein Teaser/Hintergrund" oder "wir haben die nächste Szene fertig" oder auch einfach "diese Woche gibts nichts Neues zu berichten" - einfach nur, damit wir wissen, dass das Projekt und die Backer nicht in Vergessenheit geraten sind.

Ich wünsch euch Gesundheit und Energie.

Bei aller Liebe, aber diese Wartezeiten zwischen Updates sind nicht ok. Wir sind alle von Covid betroffen.

Viele von uns haben vor fast 4 Jahren, bei Kicktstarter unterstützt. Vor einem Jahr sagtet ihr, ihr werdet regelmäßiger updaten... hat auch nicht funktioniert. Ich gestehe, dass ich langsam aber sicher frustriert bin und ich rate euch dazu, häufiger Updates zu machen, um diese Stimmung ein wenig aufzuhalten, denn mein momentaner Eindruck der Situation ist:

Vor fast 4 Jahren habt ihr viel erzählt und mein Geld genommen. Die ersten 2 Jahre gab es Updates und man hatte das Gefühl, dass etwas vorangeht, wenn auch langsam. In den letzten 2 Jahren gab es so gut wie NICHTS und das letzte Update ist 1 Jahr her.

Wie gesagt, Covid ist für uns alle schwer - ich bin auch seit über 14 Monaten isoliert - aber ich schaff es dennoch, mich bei verschiedenen Gruppen zu melden und hierbei handelt es sich nicht mal um Kunden.

Also - macht ne Auszeit, atmet durch, aber bitte - for the love of pete - updated regelmäßiger. Und wenn es nur eine Zeile ist oder ein Hinweis darauf, dass es die nächsten Wochen nichts gibt - IRGENDWAS.

Grüße in die alte Heimat.


Damn! That's great, though means I gotta wait a bit longer (unless I cave at some point, which is likely!)

Thanks a lot for the update. I appreciate it.

Very happy to see the news. I admit, I have been putting off playing more chapters since the second (I want to play the rest in one go :D )

As such and out of curiosity - will the main story conclude with Chapter 5 or have you decided to add more? I believe you stated originally that at least 5 Chapters would be included. 

Anything if perfectly fine - I just want to get an idea, when I can delve back into the game and binge play! 

Congrats on releasing Chapter 4, thank you for your hard work and stay safe.

Oh, I totally get that and you won't hear me arguing. I think I was more considering things I expected a shadow to know, when they work the industry, such as the official story of Erik or some more general info on Novus as a whole. Also seems they kinda suck as a spy, since pretty much everyone saw right through them 😅

And like I said, maybe it's just me and the fact that I read the other paths first but I can't help but feel incompetent as Nomad.

I just want them all to have a moment where they can shine - within their limitations. Either way, very excited about the upcoming chapter(s) and won't make me quit or not read on. The world and paths are beautiful and intriguing as they are, so please take it as an opinion, not criticism.

So finally finished all three routes and enjoyed them greatly. I think I was only disappointed a bit with the Nomad. While it's my favorite 'class', I just feel so... incompetent in this role. Other than getting a gut feeling of the key players involved and the full story of Erik... I feel like the MC failed at everything else and doesn't seem to stand out really. As the viper says - just some random new eyes. Maybe it's just me but it leaves me a bit bitter. 

Regardless, very much looking forward to the next chapters. 💜

Ah! That would explain it! Thank's so much for the quick response.

Bought the game today and started to play. Enjoying it quite a lot so far, but it seems I have stumbled over a bug. 


It seems that I have been unable to craft certain items, including the healing salve and more importantly, the truth serum. I have all skills high enough and enough coins but the 'Synthesize' button simply doesn't show - which causes me to fail the next step.

Just bought the game and actually think you undervalued it with $5. I am always happy to support indies. However, as someone else mentioned, the new shiny version may not be running as smoothly as the current one. Tried Errant Kingdom and it's very sluggish and seems to get slower and slower the longer you play it. 

Hopefully this can be optimized and recitified for both games and the many upcoming games you will create in the future,