I found a bug where once you get the call about the leashes and cow fair, stepping inside the house clears your price upgrades from vegetable quality. B-class pumpkins dropped to 12, B radishes down to 2. I think it might have something to do with the "end-of-content for this patch" transition back. Had to backtrack 5 hours to locate a save with correct numbers. Anyone else notice and have a fix?
Addendum: It's definitely the main room of the house afterwards. Used force-sleep to skip to bedroom, map to field, and numbers intact. Walked into main room, cutscene for bia and isa to fair. Numbers drop.
Try walking from room to hallway, warp to field. Numbers intact. Room, hallway, sophia's room, field warp. Numbers intact. So you could theoretically still play if you warp around the main room. Any more solid fix?