OPUS is indistinguishable from lossless at very low bitrates. There's no reason a game like this couldn't be compressed with a literally imperceptible loss in media quality. Much larger games in terms of content have managed to ship at much smaller total sizes so there is precendent.
Recent community posts
There's a weird bug where after the corrupted renamon fight under a certain combination of conditions they kind of just... vanish. Reloading the game doesn't bring them back either. However, I have no idea what specifically those conditions are, only that my character sprite was stuck on the blue palette when it occured.
The performance in some sections of the game is AWFUL. Unplayably bad, ~2FPS. I'm running on more than capable hardware. This occurs in the desert sandstorm section (only when not in shade) and again during the computer segment which follows that (but only intermittently, I think it's tied to the flashing tiles somehow). Please fix this ASAP, it's nigh impossible to get through a timing based section when the game has wildly bad timing.
I've given the new version a try. I like that there is a confirmation to start the game now as opposed to it automatically starting. I've tried two controllers, my usb gamestop xbox 360 controller, and a generic USB ps2 controller, both work for other games. I was able to connect and use keyboard and the xbox controller at the same time successfully. However, while the game was able to detect the presence of the PS2 controller in the menu while connected, it seems like it didn't have an attack/select button bound, and there was no option to rebind buttons in the options so I could move around the menu, but not select or attack once in game.
My only criticisms are that there aren't enough non-generic interaction messages, for example when using a broom on a dusty shelf (make the shelf no longer dusty, maybe?) and that it's often not clear how a problem is supposed to be solved, relying on the player happening upon something strewn about. Other than that, I like the atmosphere, the sound work, and the consistent art style. The animations are sometimes a little lacking, such as the jumping dog (too robotic) but are usually fine. Nice little game.