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A member registered Dec 04, 2018

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This did hurt. It reminds me of my childhood and the people I grew up with.

"Hauntingly beautiful" suits the writing well.

Fairies resonate with me, and I've always been drawn in by monsters that didn't always make sense, whose motivations were unknown, who sometimes cause pain simply by nature. Creatures who are dangerous but not necessary malignant.  To children, abuse is much like that.

The abrupt ending and lack of closure at the end left me feeling bereft, but that's how trauma is; you don't always get closure. You carry it forward, always, and even as your memories fade, the feelings are still there. 

I wonder if Lily was one of her names. 

That was adorable! Had so much fun playing this. The art is beautiful and the banter was 10/10. It brings up fond memories of chats I've had before. Got ending 3. I interacted with everything I could each day and didn't expect that twist reveal! Really enjoyed the notes in the MC's journal as well. "Rovari" and the affirmations page really struck a chord with me, as someone who tends to be the giving one in my relationships. May I ask where the text in the "My Favorite Quote" page is from, if that is a real book?

This game broke me. 10/10

I liked this a lot! Reminds me of Nicholas' Weird Adventure. 

Creative use of textboxes! I loved the little chomp in the save files when you hover over them, too. 

I love this disaster of a deer. 

That was hilarious and so sweet!

Oh, that was beautiful, I love this

I FOUND IT! I have been looking for this game for so long, thinking that I'd dreamed it all. I'm so happy that I did. Your games were a major part of my childhood.  Thank you so much for re-uploading your games.

Finally finished. Man, that took a dark turn. 

"Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow" aka the more interesting "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." 

Sure was an interesting story. I'm curious to see how all this will unfold. 

This was so much fun to play. I can see why people might be frustrated, but honestly the difficulty was a delight. I'm looking for morse code games to help me practice, and a lot of them are either way too easy or way too advanced for me. When it sank in how the game worked, I actually went "oh shit" and rushed to get my headphones so I could fully focus on the game. This reminds me of those old typing games. Samuel's voice line playing every time you have to start over was a really nice touch. 

Also opening up the game's readme file and seeing this

was hilarious. 

I come back to this every now and then to see how my answers have changed. It's one of the more insightful personality tests I've found. I love how detailed the results are. 

When I first took the test, I was a burned Badger primary/Bird secondary. Now I'm a burned Snake primary/Bird secondary. 

Nice game! The island felt more and more like home as I played. Ivo was pretty charming, but I went for Sanvi. I like that other characters comment on your choice of romance! Really feels like they all know each other and have their own history. It was fun to uncover the mysteries of the island.

I love love love this game so much. As a queer Asian-American, thank you.

Oh my god, you made How to Raise a Dragon AND Majesty of Colors? I absolutely loved both of these games as a kid. So glad to see them again!

Oh! I also have a question - in Fernweh's entry page, I have text that says "code: room". What is that for? 

Oh man, this was fun. I loved each fight - especially how the puzzles and answers change depending on which route you take. It was interesting to piece together the bits of information we're given. I actually felt more sympathetic for the interlocutors the more I talked to them. 

I think Fernweh's was my favorite, although I went with the intellectual route and honestly had no idea what was happening in that conversation. 

The last fight (not even gonna try to spell that name) was hilarious going for the high charm/supremacy/intellect, low reputation route. Just the two of them trying to out-smug each other. I had trouble trying to pass the stat checks though. I think it took me 5 tries before I finally found a way to win, and ended up with the Moon ending. 

"I swear I could see the stars I'd been looking for in her eyes." 

This was a really lovely read. Cass and Orion's interactions were so sweet. 

Short and sweet. I feel like more effort was put into Lydia's route and I was a little disappointed by how quickly Aanya's route ended compared to hers, but it was still pretty cute. 

Holy shit

I love point and click games! Excited to see where this leads. 

I think I found a bug though- in act 1, after interacting with the jar of teeth on the desk, I can't seem to be able to click out of it. I rattled the jar, and Zoe reacted, but there's no option to leave. I can still click on the jar, but nothing else happens. 

I'm losing my mind at the ending. How dare you do this to us. 

In all seriousness though, I love this and I love the way you write relationship dynamics in your romances. The toxic behaviors, the mutual hurt. It's so delightfully painful. 

Hi, I found a bug! When I open up the preferences menu, I get an error and it displays a bunch of code

Holy shit, I love your writing. Gobbled up the whole thing in one sitting. As a trans, disabled, Vietnamese person, I found a lot of myself in Amadeus (also very clever naming there). I relate to feeling disconnected from the language/culture because my parents just didn't teach it to me growing up. The description of the dishes had me feeling nostalgic. They painted such a vivid and accurate image of the dishes we have at home. I could practically taste the food through the words. 

Very creative use of space! It made me emotional. I felt like I was being seen in a way that a lot of queer media just doesn't have. I like that you added less well-known terms like hijira and gendervoid, and neopronouns like xe, ey, and one. 

As a trans person, the trans/passing room hit me pretty strongly. When you're trans and pre-everything, you want to pass so badly, but it just feels distant and unreachable, so you're left gazing wistfully at other people and wishing you could look like them. And when you're passing, it feels... limiting. Walking along that narrow bridge, wishing you could be out and proud, if only it didn't run a risk to your safety. Wanting to break free of gender roles, but still wanting to be seen as your gender. 

This was very sweet! The art really added to the whole experience. I laughed when the image of pomeranian-Diego growling at the creepy guy popped up. 

I relate to Diego a lot, as someone who tends to come across as angry and intimidating, when all I want is to be soft and kind. "In a world that believes you to be a beast, to be tender is a revolution." Mwah. Thank you for this.

Found a bug! I tried putting the game on fullscreen in the settings menu, and the game completely disappeared. It looked like the game closed, and doesn't show up in my taskbar, but still seems to be open somehow since I can hear the menu music playing 

Very cute and cozy ♥ Fairytales have always been a comfort for me.

Dracula the French Snail Princess was my favorite part lol

(1 edit)

(Major ending spoilers)

Great game! 

The sketchy, black and white art was really effective at conveying the tone of the story. Piecing together the story with each reveal was interesting. It was pretty sad to read everyone's emails and then see their memories in COSy, realizing that they're all dead. I gotta replay it sometime to see the other choices and go through everything again with context. The "(no correlation)" line in the credits made me laugh. 

How many endings are there?

I recognized the aroace flag right away and got really happy. 

I feel sad after playing this. How many endings are there? And is it possible to have a good ending for the lost shade? (I chose to chase her out because I didn't want to kill her). Great storytelling!