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A member registered May 05, 2017 · View creator page →

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You are officially my favorite, and nearly only fan. Thank you.

Hey guys! I just want everyone who cares to know that I am aware of a new bug in hard mode where you can press the entire line of keys on either side in beat to win. I don't have time right now, but I'm planning on soon fixing it with a cap on how you can activate hits. Thanks for your patience! 

Thanks for playing! Just because the game would lag at the beginning of the song, I added in a feature in which the first beat is hit automatically for you, but it appears that there is a bug which will cancel out the hit if you also press it at just the right moment. Sorry about that! I'll try and get that fixed ASAP.

Thank you so much! The egg bounce was generated by a 3-point parabola formula I adapted from here.

Hopefully, we will continue to make it into a full game eventually, with all the criticisms we've received, and from plenty of improvement of our own.

Thank you so much!

What a cool idea! I really like the idea of a game where you wander around healing forests and plants and other corrupted things with an instrument like a violin. Combining portions of "bullet hell dodging" and a straight up rhythm game could be done really well! The graphics and graphical effects were great as well; I really liked the little things like the spot lighting and the moving fog. The biggest criticism I have is that I didn't know where to go after I tuned the violin. When the music notes started shooting out of the pedestal, I thought I had to dodge them. It took me a while to realize that they wouldn't kill me, and that I had to go up to the pedestal myself. That may also just be my general stupidity, too :P. 

Awesome! I really haven't seen a rhythm game done in scratch before, so this seemed quite new to me. The graphics also look good, which really add to the appeal. It was fun once I got the hang of doing actions about a step ahead of time. The objects in mid air still seem to get me though. I'm not sure if I either need to hit right before or as they move forwards towards me. I think this would work really well if it was done where all of the graphics and objects move smoothly, while the main beats of the objects and where they need to be would stay the same. 

Thank you so much for the feedback! I completely agree with the hard mode sentiment, I can barely play it; I have to use a bot to test if it works. In the future, I'm planning on separating the ASDF and JKL; hit zones on screen to be able to better-tell where on either hand the egg is landing. The speed option is a good idea, I almost see it as sort of a "practice" mode.

Also, I promise this mode wasn't motivated by a bad experience in keyboarding class...

Thank you so much for this! My old build was so unoptimized that it wouldn't run well on lower-end machines.

Glad we get to have more people able to play it!