I have not great news... the monitor situation has improved a little bit, now if I enable fullscreen it goes to my second monitor when relaunched but if I open the options menu it corrects that, borderless is still unusable but at least it is manageable now.
Recent community posts
I have encountered some issues and have bit of a critique.
-For some reason the game really wants to be on my second monitor, I've never had this issue before and have no idea what would be causing it. If I use borderless it goes onto my 2nd monitor but not properly aligned and the cursor isn't in the right spot, if I use fullscreen it works fine but closing and reopening the game puts it on my 2nd.
-Progressing the tutorial should be called on click rather than listening for the click every update.
-Some "start of combat" effects weren't working, namely Jumpstart and demon Seed.
-Sanctuary didn't work either.
-Entering the succubus encounter seems to always cause a crash, has happened 4 times so far.
-I don't think Yellow Jesters encounter actually works, I haven't noticed any duplication.
-Three enemy encounters are much more deadly than a Memory encounter if you don't have good aoe which makes it feel really bad to lose to the rng of getting no aoe and multiple 3 enemy fights. Should probably save them for later encounters or make weaker enemies specifically for early game triple battles.
-Having both the attacks and the passives named as "skills" is not an ideal design, sure they can be differentiated as active and passive skills but there should be more distinction in the names. As an example from my first loop: I encountered the cat and got a "special skill" assuming it would be passive and was right, later I encountered a Jester and was offered a "random skill" which I wrongly assumed would be passive but was active, next Jester specified passive skill and the next specified active... but I think it would be better to name them differently rather than just specifying every time. I would consider renaming passive skills to sentiments or something.
It is a very promising game. I'd be happy to help with troubleshooting or even playtesting if you need someone.