Yeah!! I love these ones too! Maybe in the future, I can expand the pack :)
However, I left the PSD file open, so when you buy the asset, you can customize it however you want. Thank you so much for the comment!
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I uploaded it to the Sketchfab site and copied an embed code into the description page. Maybe you need to send a email for to activate "CSS edit mode"
Thank you VERY much for the support! It is for comments like this that motivate us to continue creating works like Redtape, you are amazing! Michael sent you a hello from heaven 😇
Now we are accepting donations too!
And yes! In a day and a half we had the map textured! We work tirelessly as in! 😈
Hello, team! Thank you for providing an english version! The game is very cool, running perfectly and I liked the idea of the mermaid! Add sound and improve the finishes, I will definitely play the future versions of your game. I also came to invite you to play our game again, as we have finished developing :)
Hello! Check my new template :)

Eu estava solitário, em um mundo frio e inseguro; até encontrar este jogo. Sou grato ao desenvolvedor deste magnifico e esplendoroso jogo, tudo esta mais claro agora, as cores estão nítidas, o mundo está mais quente e seguro. As pessoas me cumprimentam na rua, elas dizem: olha, se não é o chicogames, garoto que jogou aquele jogo magnifico que expressa a cultura brasileira em uma só arte. Uau!!