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A member registered Jul 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Es ist schön zu hören, dass Rex sich erholt, wenn auch nur langsam. Sagen Sie uns bitte Bescheid, wenn es ihm wieder gut geht. Und wie ist es Ihnen ergangen? Ich habe das Gefühl, dass einige der Antworten, die Sie gesendet haben, etwas aufgeregt wirken. Das liegt wahrscheinlich nur an mir, aber ich möchte sicher wissen, ob es Ihnen gut geht

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I'm not really sure what that means, but does this mean rex won't be leaving Brazil? (I'm not the most competent person)

Hey, I'm back real quick just to ask if rex moved to Brazil, or is he just staying there for now? Gn

(by my calculations, I should be able to speak good enough German in about two years, hopefully the update will be out by then 🙂) nah fr though I really can't wait, also, random question, if you had the perfect chance and were able to get voice actors for all the characters, but the update would be postponed for a year, would you take it?

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Ay, been a while, how ya doin? I can't wait to see where you take the story, it's already amazing, it's honestly funny to see that a dev team working on an indie game can make a better story than most AAA Companies (EA) but keep up the great work, i hope to see this game get popular (german is going slower than expected, but it's still going) have a good night

I'm excited to see what happens with the other animatronic, the one from the dream, that was in the dumpster, I won't say much here, and I know this game isn't trying to be lore accurate, but it still takes on some things from fnaf, but I can't wait to see how the story is fleshed out


I meant the original msg


Hopefully I didn't wake you

Why am I saying GN Its like 1 am


Heyo, I'm still learning German, probably gonna be a while, but good on you, you made a truly amazing game,


Yoooo I'm back, and mein katze ist sehr kalt, I forgor to turn off my AC, GN 

I would really like that to be an option, maybe some minor applause from foxy-chan a while after? Also, why's the music so funky? I can see why there's music in the first place, but why it gotta be the funky grooves

Does bro know that he's replying💀

Du bist sehr nett, GN bruder

oof, ight

Yo, how far along the process are you in updating it? Not asking for a release date, just wondering, how much is there left to do? 


Tf kinda wisdom was I yapping about lmao, I was really tired when i sent that 🤣 

Well, I'm sure you know much about a long process, tedious too, but i do not stray from the objective at hand, and im sure you don't either, long and gruelling may be the process, but the end result is what we strive to get.

Gn bro 

Nice, I'll go restart my Duolingo for learning German, all I remember rn is, mein katze ist sehr heiss/kalt, (I do have two cats btw) maybe i spelled it wrong? I probably did, it's been a few years, but now that I know your first language is German, I'll learn the rest of German as an act of kindness, (you'll know when I can finally ask a question Abt the game in German) anyway, GN 

Gn bro, 

You better be well rested, we don't want a burnt out yuuto

(Btw, did you learn English as a second language or are you using a translator for this?)

Yoooo I'm back from a camp thing I forgot about, anyway, where would you draw the line? Like, there can be a 3d version but it has to be free? Or just no 3d version at all?

Bro, I'm fr gonna say GN like every night, yo deserve it, maybe you could make a separate channle thing just for this, btw have you played F@FF? It's a great take on the fnia idea.




It's honestly amazing how you check this every day, most devs only answer the questions they want too, great job on keeping people up to date too, it's hard to do that if you won't say when the update comes out, anyway, have a good night's sleep

Damn, guess I'll have to speed up my learning german on Duolingo, been a while since I have


I'm not well versed in ren'py coding but what do you think you could do that wouldn't require remaking the game from the ground up?

? It says that he gets payed 100 a day

Yoooo, been a while, just some random questions for ya, like, what's your native language? (If you don't mind me asking) I hope you're doing good, how ya feeling? Take a break if ya need too, we need you to be happy, not burnt out from coding, give rex and the team my thanks, (yourself included) you've made a truly amazing game that's honestly better than most AAA games, great job, thank you, and have a magical day

With love


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No, I don't work with yuuto, I'm just  guessing 

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I don't think the NSFW works like that, the scenes will be available in the hentai next to extras, and there's always the option to close your eyes if I'm wrong