If you have any technical problems reguarding FNIA The Golden Age, this is where you can post your problems and we'll try our best to fix it!
There was something strange that happened while i was playing it, not exactly a bug but strange. I was looking at the characters and I exit out of the puppet's character and it brings me to something that's like an episode but I couldn't find it when I went to the episodes. It was about expanding the protagonist's office but it cut of early and goes to one of the other episodes... nothing really bad happened I just think it wasn't supposed to do that, just thought you should know.
before I say anything about errors/issues... AMAZING game! I LOVE the story and LOVE all the girls and their personalties! there is enough sad, happy and even creepy moments! now onto the issue, theres a lot, well not a lot lot that you cant read but there are some text typos. thats all, enojoy your day/night :D
Yo, not a bug w the game, but when I click the link that leads to mairusu's game jolt account, it looks like it doesn't exist, I'm pretty sure mairusu has a YouTube channel, so unless you fix (or find out) what's wrong with the current link, I'd recommend using the one he has for YouTube. Btw how's everything going over there? Haven't heard anything for ten days, I wish you the best.