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Chris Eman

A member registered Oct 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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it does it with all my games, it's just a troll, an insignificant little person that itch doesn't care to clean up.

Thank you!

The biggest problem is that if you like only the harem, there, I wouldn't recommend it at all!

After that, you may (or may not) like it, you don't lose anything! at most you delete it! Or check on Youtube that they have made some gameplay.

The game does not focus on traditional Netorare dynamics (suffering from infidelity or 'stealing' partners) or Netori (dominance or control over another person). Instead of focusing on those elements, the story is about internal corruption and the choices the characters make in the face of an external influence (the grimoire and dark entities).

However, depending on the choices, some path may be more “Netorare or Netori”; like something more ambiguous or hybrid.

Esta en español nativo (traducido al ingles)
Muchas gracias!, todos mi juegos son criticados, de hecho Irreverent Heresy le quite la posibilidad de Review por lo hostil y el acoso, irónicamente es uno de los que mas activo esta.
Si, esta en terapia aun! Es bueno ver que genera interés, pero es un juego sobre todo en la programación, bastante complejo y bueno, los haters y de mas se hacia pesado.
Pero, si hay interes seguro o lo continuo o hago algun remake mas estructurado o con otro motor.

Thank you very much!

Really! sometimes you get harassed with hostile messages and reviews from haters (even from the NTR in general, they don't even see the cointense if it's good or bad), and it seems that nobody likes what you do!

Thank you!

Muchas gracias!

No te voy a mentir que LMR esta un poco en terapia intensiva, le tengo mucho cariño, pero muchas veces pense en abandonarlo.

Por un lado, si que ha sido muy criticado y me he de ganado muchismos insultos gratuitos, pero no voy a mentir, hasta la fecha es el mejor puntuado y de mas alcance.

Lo que sumo, fue que después de pandemia cambie de horario y trabajo, y se me hizo super pesado!

A eso (si es verdad) que sentía que mucha gente ya no el importaba el juego, pero eso pasa en todo porque suelo tener un perfil muy bajo.

Pero como será, que incluso en otro motor empecé a remakear (por segunda vez) a las chicas principales.

Y en Irreverent Heresy, suele aparecer alguna de las chicas (pero la versión más oscura o perversa).

Tengo que arreglar unos bugs, pero tu mensaje me anima incluso a intentar darle vida nuevamente, incluso, con otro motor más actual.

Pero no quiero empezar para abandonar; actualmente sigo igual con el trabajo; pero ya estoy un poco mas acostumbrado.

Muchas gracias por el mensaje!

The truth is that your gameplays are excellent, in general, but talking about the VN I do, you put the intro and the whole atmosphere before!

Irrevernet is going to be more complicated, while Love Mortem you can skip a lot of NSFW scenes, there's also more story, Irrevernet has its charm, but it's more NSFW focused!

Thank you very much!

Just this time I've been so depressed by the harassment I receive from those who don't like what I do, in fact I thought about taking a “vacation, to get my strength back”.

Thank you!

I'm really happy about your comment! Imagine that I had to remove the ratings of this VN because every now and then there were 1 star reviews just for “being NTR”.

About the “sequel”, you're absolutely right, and I'm even happier! I can tell you understand my style well.

The reason that Desires From Beyond is not “Irreverent heresy 2”, is because although it continues with some of the characters and the “what happened with the Grimoire”, it has another approach, besides keeping some aspects it is more “relaxed”.

The truth is that DFB, is about to receive another update and from there I will go to IH. and the updates until I finish it, although there are many stories that maybe I will leave them for some “dlc” of kinetic stories or something like that.

And once IH is finished, then I would see an “IH2”, something that keeps the most faithful spirit of this VN (although each thing has its brightness and its place).

Thank you for your suggestions and for taking the time to leave your comment! I really appreciate your positive feedback on the animation and the VN's story.

I will take your suggestion about the sounds into account to enhance the gaming experience. Regarding the sandbox, I understand your point. In DBF, the focus is on providing a classic visual novel experience with sandbox elements, allowing for more focus on individual stories. Although it may seem a bit boring at first, with future updates you'll see how multiple stories unfold, almost like playing several VNs simultaneously.

I invite you to check out Irreverent Heresy if you're interested in a VN without sandbox elements.

As for reviews or ratings, I've grown accustomed to it. Whether with a sandbox or without, the feedback tends to be negative. There are even devs who automatically downvote my releases, leaving negative reviews to demoralize me and reduce visibility for my projects.


Of course!

Although it's an arduous task! entere codice and so on, as the random conversations of the characters is a lot, but if you want you can do it!

I know some people have done some of them in Portuguese and Russian.

Yes, as you can see the most reliable is to take from the spanish version!

Thanks for your interest! LMR has been stopped for a while now, in fact all my NSFW projects are flowing slowly, I've had in the last time a big drop of interest for these things, I'm glad to know that some of you still like it.

At the moment it is stopped, I am focused on other projects.

Do something that questions feminism or LGTB+ and prepare to be cancelled, mock and blaspheme against religion and you will have the applause of the maintream, we are sure that they are the persecuted ones and the ones who do not have privileges?

Thank you very much! I'm glad you appreciate it!

Denúncienlo muchachos este anda jodiendo a todos que se hace el "anti NTR" flor de racista era.

Not for now; only trans (not futa, i.e. transsexual).

male -male ; gay?

If so, no, just trans.

Very good! Quality content!

Good pixel art!

Almost none, it is R7, and R10 or R11, those come more nourished.


The original was HS1, this is HS2, far superior in many ways; HS1 needs a lot of mods to try to correct lighting, and it takes ages just to load, but as the previous PC was a toaster, it works very well.

With the new PC; which is not "Uff" either, but it is more up to date, HS2 works fine (in all respects).

Uh, the android versions are not official (I don't know if I've put it) I'll check with the one who made the port, thanks for the heads up!

At the moment this is V0.3 (for patreon) and I'm working on 0.4, so I don't know if it can be fixed (since the source code is much more updated and modified).

Thank you very much! since it came out I've had a lot of aggressive criticism, it's good to know that there are people who like it and follow the stories!

(1 edit)

It can be seen as an individual thing, but if you know Love MorteM you will understand the background much more.

It can also be seen as Dhalia's childhood (but the story doesn't focus on it, i.e. not all routes).

Yeah! especially in games like Love MorteM, the truth is that the part of the institute believed that there were not so many errors, I definitely should have waited a little longer (at that time) and made a deeper beta tester)

Thanks for reporting! 0.7 has several of these bugs fixed!

Unfortunately, I didn't realize there were so many of them!

I've been correcting some of them, but the chats are hard to follow, I'll fix them little by little!

Thank you! I'm with LMR, so I'll see this list to see if I can eliminate some of those bugs you mention, thanks!

hahaha! Even those details go unnoticed!

Thank you! yes for itch is difficult to communicate!

But the report helped me! I don't think I can correct everything! Especially the translations, but between versions I will correct them.

The night on the beach with Miriam, and Eli in the gym at night I had no mistakes, but the point and click are like that; they are a nightmare in possibilities!

Now stop correcting to update the upgrade, again, thanks for the reports!

I haven't gotten to the translations yet! I have corrected quite a bit of the other stuff; except for 2 things that I still haven't gotten the error.

With the translations, as far as I can see (when translating what you put) there are verbs and ways of speaking that we use here (Argentina) that are correct; I try to make a "neutral" Argentine, but many verbs, the translator might get confused (because if I take the translated text and pass it to Spanish, it comes out as Spanish from Spain, and it loses a lot of the grace of the way of expressing, especially Lina, Melissa, Evelyn or Frezzita".

I will correct the translations little by little, for now I am still looking at the other mistakes!

Thank you!

I update! Thank you! Some of them have already been corrected!

I was looking for several of the errors, both in the script and in the gameplay and I've been disoriented! do you have any save of when any of them happen? it must happen at specific times, if you have it I would appreciate it; if you have discord I'll add you. thanks!

Hey, thanks a lot, I had not reported any of these errors, I'll check them out!


I don't think there is a full-fledged Fendom, but the most similar in the first instance is Frezzita, and then Lina; both with strong character "and go to the front", then there are others but no H-scenes yet.