Thank you so much for your kind comment! This adventure location has been living in my head for ~2 years, and the backroom "dungeon" is just one part of what I hope to write in the future, :)
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Awesome report! Sounds like it fired on all cylinders, :)
For Sector 4, there is a very short line in the very start about blast doors closing off the depressurization that really ought to be repeated more clearly
It's funny you mention Hour 5 bc when I did the final proof pass (not sure I caught the 3/4 typo tho), I was waffling on cutting one or two, but erred on the side of, "Ok, GMs will know what they can/can't do, it's fine." I'm glad that gamble worked out, ha.
Thanks so much for the comment! Really makes mt day, :)
No worries about the "long comment," I'm happy to help you get this to the table!
So, the Conrad Crew each have their own specialities, as well as Drives, that are meant to help the Warden guide their likely job/location.
Fern is a "ground operator" and accompanies the PCs into C/A. Isabelle is the "EVA specialist" intended to help with the Hangar stuff (and eventual Jump Drive installation). El is the pilot, she sticks to the Conrad. The Captain is keen to help the heist on station, but goes wherever the PCs think they'll need him.
Of course, all this is subject to PC intervention, if they insist on changing up the status quo. Or if the NPCs decide to independently seek to accomplish their Drives. But if PCs leave without cryopods/Jump drive/Warp Core, E/R bounty hunters will capture them and they'll end up in an Everett's Moon gulag.
And yes, certain Doom Clock events advance the end of the Track, bringing C/A closer to crashing into the rings. (There's some clarifying text in the version 1.3 that's on its way next week!) This also scrunches some of the ending events, though it's likely there'll be enough going on that some events would probs be irrelevant anyhow.
Hope that helps! Lemme know how it goes!
The six-part NWTB Actual Play of Bio-Drones & Cryo-Clones begins here:
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Apple Podcasts
As a player, this is an intense saboteur infiltration. Loads of nasty construction tools at your disposal and a big freaky something that comes after you once you cause enough trouble.
I was lucky enough to have P. P. Renaud run this for me on their AP channel Coup Critique! C'est en français, alors profitez-bien les francophones :
Hi SteamMonkRPGs! This cover expressly takes inspiration from Thracia and is the cover image for the Jennell Jacquays Memorial Game Jam, Return to Perinthos. All of these entries are currently undergoing writing, illustration, editing and layout preparation to create a for-charity crowdfunding project. You can read more about it on the Jam page!
Thanks! More nuggets in the upcoming zine, too, including some info about the Serpents, :)
I must admit that layout design is not my biggest strength, haha, so I've got the character sheet on the backburner for the Zine Month itchfund!
Decided not to rush this. Updates are coming, but with a fully fleshed out chargen procedure.
This is such great dark comedy for a space horror game. The oneshot we played featured a riduculed Marine whose colony was taken out by "goblins." They came out maimed but victorious on Icarus Station, so I can't wait to send them to Goblin Planet!
Fun writing, great design, and a whole lotta (goblin) heart.
Yes, I'm working on the player's guide for a February release!
The new character generator has a new class (changed to Mind), ten Forms with Loadouts, and a d100 Past Life table.
The book will be text only for now (maybe my goofy and bad illustrations). I'm thinking about doing a Zine Month itchfund to pay for professional art, and continuing work on character advancement.
You're a winner! Consolidated Sentience has awarded your Crew with a Free Android and Factory Tour voucher, so please, join FLASH and GOLD on this illuminating tour of Con/Sen's facilities...
When I saw the Bot-tober Jam, I immediately had the idea to do something with Mothership Androids linked to my Proxi MT Android Merchants, but wasn't able to finish the project in time.
Thanks Kay for adding this late submission!!
The dread strikes through so well in the writing. I especially like the idea of assisting the people of Sorrow's Field as some strange new horror wanders into their desolate lives.
If I were to run this hexcrawl, I think the locations are adaptable enough to mix and match with an existing dungeon (especially C & F), and this 18 hex field would be the aftermath for the survivors to explore.
I am at a loss for how to run this. I read through the All4Two/Scene Builder rules on the Goblin Market page, but was still left a bit confused. Being more declarative in the introduction section on what the players are getting into could help a GM to figure this out.
The situation itself is wild! There's a solid feeling of opposition, push-pull, going on, and it's hilarious that a wig is the cursèd item that can set this off. That said, Donatela's role could be more explicit for the GM, and the "Plot" section feels a bit railroady. For example, I think it could be interesting to build in a piece which would allow Acting Governor Orville to be corrupted before Barnabas releases the new song. It would be harder, but with added payoff, perhaps? Just thinking out loud here a bit, feel free to ignore me, haha.
Wow, this is a proper zine!
First, gotta say that other than that rather rad-looking Sloshies dude, I don't find the AI art very interesting. AI art in general is all so samey, so many people are using it now, and its contrast with the much better illustration work is jarring. I’d love to see Gabriel Hernandez illustrate the rest of this zine (that 17-18 spread is fantastic), perhaps using the included AI art as templates to keep the same feel.
Austin’s writing on this zine had me cracking up. The rent-controlled motel, Punchcard Policeman’s Mien being determined by the Fashion Value of the PCs’ hat, the puns in the gangster Mien tables, the background descriptions, it was a fun read. Not many clues exist, however, for the players to be able to solve this investigation. The setting and characters are so well written that the whole neighborhood comes alive around the hotel. With all the dynamic characters and locations, I would want to spend more than one session with this adventure!