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A member registered Aug 13, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your feedback! The simple graphical style was intentional. The theme came in through the "helper" who is supposed to be guiding you into the park but is lying to you about which direction to go and if there's enough space behind.

I'm not sure what went wrong with the mouse sensitivity. If I had a bit more time I would have created a title screen and options to allow the mouse sensitivity to be adjusted. Thanks for pointing this out. 

Not discouraged. Not all feedback is positive. Glad to hear all opinions. :)

Hi everyone! I feel like my game idea was pretty good, but haven't received much feedback yet. Could you please check it out and let me know what you think?

I liked the use of vocal sound effects and the graphical style.

I didn't quite understand the phase change mechanic though. I only managed to get past the first lava pool once, and died almost immediately afterwards?

Interesting idea. It fit the theme quite well but I felt there was some inconsistency in what the player can safely pass and what are hazards that will cause an instant fail and restart. 

A few times I was cruising down a hallway only to run into a message be bailed back to the start screen before I even had a chance to read it, so I had to go back a few times, which felt a bit unfair. 

The music was simple, but I felt it fit ok.

Not a bad effort. I particularly enjoyed the room with the many coloured cupboards which all ended up falling over. I feel it could have been a more fun experience if there were sound effects to add to the atmosphere.

I couldn't get past the tutorial screen to start the game. Does this game require a controller?

Could have benefited from some sound effects I feel. I also couldn't figure out how the box spawner app was helpful. Also it seemed like most of the controls didn't work as advertised, which could have been part of the theme? hehehe

Definitely would benefit from some audio cues. I had a little bit of trouble understanding what was going on, especially when the second power is unlocked? I died instantly and had to start the game again. 

Interesting idea. I like how you stuck to the specific black & white blocky look throughout. I almost feel like this is a teaser for something bigger however, as it ended pretty quickly.

Thanks for your feedback. The difficulty could do with some tuning, but I feel its part of the risk vs reward. Do you inch a bit closer and risk crashing or do you shut off the engine hoping your score is good enough to pass the level? Each "run" is over fairly quickly so I feel its not too unfair on the player.

I had a stretch goal if I had some spare time, which was a gps display (which would be lying to you of course), but would at least give you a overhead view of the level.

Thanks for playing! :)

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