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A member registered Sep 29, 2020

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Use a save editor.....for a old save is the only solution

Bug report 23.7.0c. After load a save I have this notification it's relative Sasha sub and shiori 10k money 

After becom ceo

I mean the siscon event (not have sex)

Can anyone help me how to trigger minami affection event at nightclub? I never find here

It's about making Anna more submissive. Remains at 100% but does not tick the target. It allows me to advance with the related goals to make her more submissive, but the following goal also stays the same. Furthermore, the advancement can go down if I take actions that make her more dominant

I'm writing to know if I'm the only one with this Anna achievement that won't unlock, or should I restart the new game to see it fixed

how do i join discord? the link always gives me invalid or expired

After the time skip he need another castle for all the kid popped ^^

Dude after the last update Brad has lost the desire to talk.  seriously the next new NPC has to be a therapist.

for the new squad leader why Cyclopse one eye girl have a depth perception and can use gun nice ^^

after the quest, I'm going to the statue of marriage and I can take the two quest for marrying the girl. After I forged the 2 ring, I talk to the nun, and scene of marriage of Elly stated, after this marriage, I talk to the nun and the marriage of Ryoko started. This is what happening. So the problem is in nun, takey priority to Elly and not to Ryoko? (Sorry for my English -_-')

After Ryoko quest, it's possible start wending for Elly and Ryoko. After the marriage if I talk to Elly, the new scene not start. So the new scene can be triggered after Ryoko wending, but before Elly wending?

I can't see her......

After she leave the Maison, she received a invitation for join in the maid team of castle. I look everyway but a cannot found her.

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It's a possibile bug. I'm in flaire good path. She is in the thief guild, but I found her also in the secret prison

same here for festival

Domanda un po' più particolare riguardo la versione Android. Voglio battere Geki tramite l'evento e non saltare lo step di spostare le levette, ma su Android sto avendo problemi nell'input. Allora volevo prendere il Save e passare il punto su PC, ma non sto trovando la cartella Android/data. Mi chiedevo se i file sono dentro una cartella con un nome particolare, oppure tutti i file sono nella root dello smartphone.

Mi sono imbattuto per caso nel vostro progetto e sono a l' già si vede l'amore  e la cura nei particolari che solo i veri fan sanno mettere in un progetto. Complimenti a tutti

Lo sto giocando su Android è ho notato che il gioco rimane solo in verticale tipo game boy....non è supportato la rotazione per adesso ma in futuro si? O rimarrà in questo modo e mi dovrò affidare a joyplay?

Domanda il gioco copre arco fino alle 12 case?

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about the quest on the tentacles .....I started all over again and I didn't have to do it because the room already had the tentacles and the guy below wasn't there. maybe a bug?

where can i find the ice pants? Is rare drop from dragon girl? What do they unlock?

Not done yet the good scene, like flaire

one merchant sell in twin alw tower for 200000

Right side of the castle.

My bad. Angel Mira not elf Mirel -_-' 

Try to go havaria port. You can see an angel in the left side. This trip change class of Mira and unlock the sex scene

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Can have scene whit flaire only in bad path (like the succubus Irinlia). The good path is not release so for now no scene

Simply not scene yet

I am writing to give feedback to the quest. I am perplexed because if one knows (or even at random) he can skip the whole hunt by going to the spirit water.... wouldn't it be better to put that step as a quest apart? also I did not understand what the rooms with the buttons in Sinasoka are really for, (they are for the code I know but they give the impression of something cut ...)

I have recently started playing again from the beginning. I noticed that by not exploring the dungeons where you were facing Lace without being able to beat her, and by going with the fragments quest directly to Calterburry where Lace and co. they broke in and took the fragment, if you go back to the old dungeons you don't meet it. is it wanted (because at that point we would have the Katryx sword) or is it just a bug?

I tried this app for Android and it work fine. I don't see bug or freezes. It's anothers method for play Renryuu with Android and can use/transfer/mod save in pc

Lace have a good path, but irilnia have only bad path for now and the future? Anothers question is the future jump time quest. Have too much kid don't go a possibility bad end for the country because the fight for the crown? Finally if you have marriage some in the group, this affect the dialogue and the ending of member group and NPC?

found. I was able to complete the quest even though it did not appear in my quest to do list. undoubtedly it was buggad

Yes. I'm in the story part after the waking after following the stabbing from the invisible girl

I looked for it in the garden where flora is and in the basement where she was vampire..... she doesn't appear. Did I skip any steps?

i'm in the end game and i read that to unlock the protagonist's powers i need to talk to varea to start the quest ..... but this doesn't happen even if i helped her to become queen

I'm in the same problem....I'm looking for app to this job. Any advice?

So I need root device. Any advice for app can make a backup for no root device? (I'm in program a change smartphone)

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after 2 restart fight I was able to end.....I play from Android