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A member registered Jan 04, 2024 · View creator page →

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farty game!! Well done!

lovely graphics! 

thanks! The soundtrack was as good as I know for now... laying down a beat track! 😆

So if we have missed the kickstarter, we just need to wait for this to be finished and order from the publisher direct? No other way to support/pay?

Holy smokes - that's the kind of feedback I like to see, many thanks!! After reviewing it's positive views from the Jam, I think I will continue it to flesh it into a full game, with a few levels, and i'd like to make some kind of arcade mode where you're climbing for a high score.... May even look to make it GB Color compatible too and add a splash of color to the graphics!? Need a Hugetracker composer though, that's for sure!

Thanks again for the positive review!

An interesting game, but I wasn't sure what I was doing, but I did die a lot from some flying items? The game looks a lot larger than 160x144 too, but can see from the comments you've confirmed that. The music was spooky!

A lot of fun! The music was wicket, very spooky! Trying to escape the monster was very scary! The jumping was a little too pixel perfect, but I soon got the hang of it in the end!

Ohhh dude, that was a shame! Jump is just Z, like all the other embedded GB games on Itch. I'll update the instructions on the page to tell players to jump with Z. Hope you have another stream?!

Thanks! I'll be sleeping, but enjoy the game! Try to get 100%!

thanks for the feedback! It's awesome on the 3DS, just hold start when loading it to put it in Pixel Perfect mode to get the whole DMG vibe!

I wasn't too sure what I was doing, but I had a good walk about in the dark till something got me!! The graphics and dithered lighting effects were top class! It was a very spooky setting, for sure!

Shame! time!

Nothing here?

Maybe next time!?

Looked from the screenshots that it was going to be a very stylish game - shame!

Finally got the hang of staying alive,  but wasn't sure how or why! Likes the graphics, but could have done with some end winning screen or final result? Good effort!

Quite the story to tell here! Was a good game to play, with good graphics and music/SFX.

Thanks! That is the key I aim for.... about 3/4 unique tiles and you can spread them out to not look too much like it's repeating. 

Appreciate the attention 👌🏻 

Thanks for the comments! It runs on Gameboy hardware, so I'd hope they feel like gameboy graphics! Lol!

Thanks for playing my game! 👌🏻

Great graphics style for use on the GBC, really nice. I should try it on hardware to see what it looks like! A fun game!

well, this kept me hooked for a stupidly long time! Great graphics, music, eav sample, controls, and works on hardware... amazing effort!! Almost full marks, somehow..?! Haha 👌🏻

Very cool graphics, music, SFX, and very charming game! Enjoyed a couple of levels!

Shame there was no audio - but what a bonkers game! The visuals are a feast to the eyes, and the dithered AND 3D style really works well together! I liked the platforming more than the maze running. But a cool, and unique looking game! 

If you can get it to play in the browser - you'll get more people trying it out, rather than having to download the .exe.

Thanks for the feedback! It's best played on a GB for sure. Check out GB Studio to get yourself into GB Dev... it's very easy once you've scratched the surface!

Just backed the kickstarter after downloading the ROM and playing on a GBC, looks, sounds, and plays great! Best of luck!

I'm kind of doing the same during the week, with limited time during the day... If I get a rating and comment - i'll open their submission up and play it for sure! It's a good system to reward people who are rating.

I'll look at yours now.

Thanks for playing! I know your logo - on many a good GB Game!! haha

Donated for Lesson #1! Hopefully I'll keep up the donations per lesson!

Don't push yourself to get each lesson out though... Bigger in-depth lessons spaced out are far more rewarding than having lots of them available which contain errors or are incomplete. Can't wait to read (and follow along) the lot!

plays really well on hardware! Good job!!

thanks for playing! Yeah, the water has a hidden collision that is only a few tiles wide that tracks the player - you must have just fallen past it?! I'll add that as a bug - just increase the hidden collision - thanks for the bug report!

The controls are a little pixel-perfect-jumping.. I may remodel the level to reduce the pinch-points!!

Do try it on other hardware... on GB Pocket and 3DS it's very cool!

thanks for playing! Second person to say he doesn't move as quick. I'll work on that for sure!

yeah... my bone drawing skills need improving.. I liked his skull, but struggled with his body. More animation frames too. Definitely something to improve if I expand the game. Thanks for feedback!

Quick and easy game to get done, very spooky! Loved the music!

Lots of fun to play! The Witches stars didn't hurt me, was that correct? Maybe reduce the amount of hits the witch takes to beet, and remove the collisions between the enemies, so they can't kill each other? (Although I used that to good effect to take out multiple...!) Other than that - a lot of fun to play! Very Gameboy! Going to play on GB hardware now too.

Some clever puzzle levels, nice graphics and a real GB retro charm to it.

Really super cool game to play. Captures the style and feel of a GB game, music and graphics are great. The controls where quite confusing to keep track of to wire, move, not move, change wire .... haha.. but I got the hang of it in the end! Great puzzles to work out.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the great feedback! There's a lot of control in the jumping, but yes - left and right is quite static. I'll test that if I expand on the game after the Jam.

Glad you enjoyed the incentive mechanic of the game to get to 100%... I can only do it using a 3DS and save states to save after every 'hard bit'....!!! I suck, lol

Thanks for playing! The rising water was the inspiration for the game, although the final results was a long way from my tests! It works well though, and a clever use of the overlay window, with animated tiles too.

Needs some work , but a good start to a potential game.