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A member registered Apr 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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lmao I finished playing the demo only to return to the page and find out that a new demo had just dropped- ig I'm diving back into this game for some more content hehe

the question mark good ending had me wheezing LMAO favourite ending so far 

This game by far has to be one- if not the best spooktober game I've played! I love the story so much and it quite literally grew on me... I went from "This is some cool shit" to "Hold on- wait a minute OMG? OH MY GOD???!" I'm a little sad that this is all we might get of these lovelies, but oh boy did they make a great impression!

Ya know maybe staying up super late is a good thing cause I got to play this game so early- anyways, Anselm is so adorable too rAHhgh he's making me want to shake him around.

I definitely think he has us trapped in his house somewhere and he's trying to make us think were In a hospital... only thing that's coming out of my sleep deprived brain.

I remember being able to play this using Crossover for Mac but I can't open it anymore 😭 just lost my dog privileges- 

Audibly gasped when i saw biomed science since I'll also be going into biomed- anyways im super excited to play this game and ngl im glad youve decided to wait to publish the whole game at once instead of in parts! Keep going and take your time, and good luck!!

whoa- that much I never knew it took so much thats crazy! i understand why you did paypal only now 😭

I adored the demo so much- especially when I was able to explore, craft, and purchase things. Honestly, I was surprised to see that I was able to do all of that, I was used to the pick what you're going to say, and seeing where that takes you plus a sprinkle of mini games, its very refreshing! I plan to buy the full game soon (maybe the DLC to?!) after PayPal stops being such a donkey and rejecting my payments or there's another way to pay since playing on steam always causes me problems :( . I can't wait to continue playing it HEHhe

I got Lullaby first and ngl I got scared that there would be a jumpscare when the screen turned dark, but it was actually really sweet afterward- it was a lot more cuter than I expected it to be lmao

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hm? something wrong? no way- nothings wrong

are you right in front of the food? the game is a little picky about the spot youre in when it comes to interacting with things, and if you even did that and still arent able to pick up the food then ive got nothing else. i guess you can fiddle around with the controls and see what'll happen

i had this problem to and after a bit of digging in the comments i found that if you open the game in your finder then drag the game itself (the Minecraft block thingy) to applications then open it it'll probably work

yea i shouldve worded it better but late nights are the only time im awake. assuming you're still stuck (or not dunno) you do need to press the arrow keys to "face" the thing before you press X. So like pressing the up arrow key while behind the cashier before you press X. 

lmao im having the same problem i tried the mouse button, and z button, clicking on both side even the art itself but its not working at some point the game just started crashing on me to much so i gave up :(

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im playing on mac and is anyone else struggling with the z/interaction key? ive had to retry the first waiter scene 3 times and i still cant clear it due to not being able to pick up the food no matter what i do. is there just something wrong with my mac?

edit: nvm i figured it out, apparently i needed to "face" the way of the dish before clicking z to pick it up

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I just finished Feyes route and I loved it so much, a lot more than I thought I would,,, like... a LOT LOT more than I thought I would. 

lmao i just figured out bar could be used as a word meaning to prevent someone or smt i gotta brush up on my vocab or something :0

darn back to the beginning, but anything for that route ty

i love this game very much, its simple yet entertaining and i adore the art style! currently im trying to get the dogcat route after i got the true ending (which was SO CUTE?????) im having trouble figuring out how to survive the money issue after robbing the bank,... could i possibly get a hint? please im begging im deperate for that ending

im so excited and very proud!! its kinda wild to see this game last year AND for me to be following it closely up until now :00 very cool now im going to play this now and get all excited over crowe hehe

the new design is cute ill miss the old one but he still has the same hair and eye colour, so lets just say that he never had time to cut his hair while living in the woods LOL

finally after 3 tries i didnt die by rose i followed everything in the comments but i buttered up edward (i think that was his name)

witness the nighttime murders

comfort the man

flower shop, then lunch

go for a night run and stay before running

go see the swans on the date and see the kidnappers 

and either buy a pillow or rest doesnt matter which is first but do go check on scott and keep pushing the topic 

watch the moive with asriel

go to work and dont leave until you tell chara and asriel about lawrence then go with them 

then go visit the apartment keep looking around till you get the "what if its all connected"

make sure to butter up edward complement the watch say father is proud and lie about scott anticipating the visits

after that i was able to not die by rose :D

i adore this game sm i had so much fun playing it even tho i didnt no much. i loved exploring around even though i did die a few times beacuse of my curoisity it was worth it! and the bonus scenes (the flowey ones) were adorable.

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this whole comment is spoilers but







HELLO?? SPIDER MAN?? my first thought when raku transformed was "goddamn put those suckers away" LOL it was definetly a twist i never saw it was creepy to see him just...swinging there too but the ending i got was odly cute also i love the voice acting and the small animations its so satifying to see the characters move it makes it feel more real!

AGH this game is so sweet I loved that clicking on the red string showed us our next lives! I have to admit I was somewhat confused for a second I thought it was an after-story right where we left off LOL. some parts did manage to fluster me a little, and many parts got me embarrassed (in a good way). Overall I think this is a very adorable game!

I also love Vans voice it's got me giggling like I'm 13 again HEHAHHS

as soon as I saw that Van likes Vietnamese coffee I gasped since I strongly rmr my parents drinking it and trying to give it to me to try (it was too bitter for little me haha) I haven't played this game get but I'm sure ill love it!

oh liev has piercings??? how did i not notice that-

this was worth the wait, cant wait to play HHEHHEHEHEHHE

jhadfjga im so excited to play the new update JBHVIU

I prefer to wait tbh. although I'm excited about this game, it's been long enough to the point where I've gained enough patience to wait for the finished game, getting a new part now would most definitely make me impatient again. LOL

have i played this yet? no. but i love anything idv so i already love it. :D

The game crashes as soon as I open it on my mac, and when I try to reopen it shows nothing. Does anyone know to fix this?

I cannot describe how cute this game is. I just know that I love it-

I have returned and after a lot of fiddling with permissions, I finally was able to get past my problem! And I was right to love the game! it's really amazing even if it seemed simple I really did love it. This was the first game I've actually put my name into since I'd usually put churros as my name, but it felt more meaningful to not do that this time. Overall a very wonderful visual novel that I will definitely think about often!

as soon as the game made me choose one of them I started to panic so bad fvbdjn

I definitely loved this more then I thought I would- 

I loved the bad end with both of them especially with that one line "don't close the game" drftgyihujkh i'm excited to see how this game will carry out!!

I have tried to edit the permission and it didnt do anything 

Sadly I got a lot of technical issues when playing on mac :( but I got far enough to a point where i think ive almost finished a route? I couldnt get past the GC... Im not to sure, but with what I saw I think this game is pretty good! I love the BGM and the character desgines and how the game starts with you in a blank space, and how we would continue on!

AT LONG LASTTTT the wait was definetly worth it