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A member registered Jul 16, 2016

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Calling it a fraud and getting upset, shouting and telling me to be calm all at the same time; you sound confused lol.

That's a lot of extra work for a solo guy doing all the work. 

If you need someone to help with anything @AdamDubiGames let me know. 
I've done a couple levels for some early VR titles, have experience in Blender, UE4-5, Unity (bleh) and a bunch of other skills - and be more than willing to help to whatever ability I am able. :)

All good either way though, you're doing amazing!

I believe people would be more than happy to support if you were to have a proper Patreon setup, just to help you with development. 

Nobody expects a AAA title - but this, from what I've seen so far, is even better than most of those I've played. 

Absolutely top-tier work sir; if there is any way I can help, let me know!!! 

Hey @AdamDubiGames, thank you so much for the update!!!  
I was beginning to get a little worried as I hadn't found where you might be active, and Chordosis is THE best India horror game I've ever experienced so far - and I have such high hopes for it.

Very happy to see you hear commenting, and it looks like you've been working hard - so thank you for that as well. 

Nevermind the haters out there, this game is so unbelievably put together, and as solo project is bafflingly impressive; and as budding solo dev myself it is so very *INSPIRING*. :)

Keep up the great work, and have a wonderful day!!!

How is it a 'fraud'? It's a single SOLO dev, and things take time - also, you don't know what has been going on in their life, right? 

That's great! Thanks for your dedication to the project. All to often I have seen new developers just give up and let their projects fall away, so it is nice to see somebody stick to their work and make such a big improvement.

I can't wait to check it out! :)

Hey that's awesome! I will try the new beta out shortly and report back. :)
Also, thanks for the respect. I felt like an asshole, so it is nice to see you didn't take it personally.
Keep up the good work.

Hey there, I apologize for the initial negative tone of my previous post. I had just received some shitty news (nothing major, just a family member moving away) and so I was in a rather pessimistic mood. I will edit it accordingly.
As for the game itself, well I replied on Reddit but I'll do the same here. What I mean is that while the app itself renders stereoscopically, the fractal scenes do not. They just look like I am watching any old 360° non-stereoscopic video; and in the scenes where the fractal is supposed to be in front of you, it is just floating there flat, as if it is just an animation rendering on an invisible plane.

Again, sorry for the unnecessarily negative tone. I appreciate your hard work nonetheless and it was nothing against you or your work personally.

(1 edit)

Ok, here this is edited to be more reasonable. I can't figure out what is going on with this app as all of the fractals appear to be 2D.
Wasn't sure if that was how it was intended to be or not.