Character development my friend, right now he is sort of an imposter hero but he will grow into the role and earn it. And let's be fair, the chick had a knife.
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I happen to be adding an option to change the dialogue font in the next update(0.03) The two other options are planned to be "Arial" and a dyslexia-friendly font(I don't remember the name rn).
Menu buttons will still have the standard font regardless but this should at least make it easier to read the dialogue text.
I plan on making all the more niche fetishes optional. Even though Fudge being the lovable little goofball she is. I know that Slime-girls might not be appealing to everybody. So things like "Slime-girls", "footjobs", "extreme femdom" will never be forced on the player. There will always be another option or skippable. I also don't want to penalize people for skipping things they don't like, so there will never be a bad outcome for skipping such things.
I spend a lot of time and effort on the animations and overall design of the characters and being compared to Goddesses Whim is an honor in itself. Thank you very much!
Very happy you like the writing. I try to keep it as engaging as possible while still having a bit of comedy. I can reveal that there is more to the premise than what has been revealed so far and I'm very excited to see if your view changes after that is revealed.
All the things you have listed such as MC's heightened sense of smell, scarce male population, and Fudge's mysterious knowledge will all be expanded upon. I pretty much have the entire outline of the storyline done, so I can promise you that all the little loose ends I'm throwing out will be tied up.
After searching up what in the bloody hell Joiplay is and then doing some research. I found that the current version of Joiplay is only compatible with games created with up to version 8.13 of renpy. Succubus Kingdom is created on renpy 8.20 so that's why it doesn't work.
Sadly, nothing I can do to help you there friend, You will just have to wait until the 8.20 version of Joiplay is released and then it will work.