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A member registered Jul 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Sadly, I don't know, but it happened in middle of intensive shootout. Maybe system confused explosive missiles with kinetic ones that I have ran out of.

I will try reproducing it the other time.

Explosive missiles didn't want to load once in Windows version, you might want to look into it.

Looks like a promising mobile game, keep going.

Physics aren't going to be simulated in realisitic way - too much calculation for a Gamemaker game and I found it rather impeding to the gameplay I'm planning to include.

I'm planning to make it a mix between StarSector and Distant Worlds (so trading will be an option). Obviously it will take a long while to get it anywhere, tho.

Thanks for the feedback!

The "tower" enemies seems to be a bit of chore to fight against - you can defeat one before it starts shooting, but if there is a lot going on around then you end up hiding behind that bus and waiting them out while you defeat the mooks and if you screw up a block or dodge then you get more blasts for good measure.

Maybe make their "charge" shorter, but with single shots? That could make a constant, but not overwhelming pressure upon player. Maybe add the possibility to interrupt it by attacking it.

Besides that, it's a fun game.

>Disabling input is something unheard of - did it just stop working altogether?

I died in aquarium mode and I wasn't able to move when I started again in campaign mode. No idea if it helps in reproducing the bug.

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Pretty damn good. Feels like an actual game.

Minor bugs like not being able to put three sniper in straight line, but maybe I'm doing something wrong. Once I got my movement disabled and had to relaunch the game.

But still, stuff's good. Spore's cell stage always looked most fun.

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About the boss thing. Understandably things are going to get worse, but it seems to be too much in the face at the start. eversion did it more subtly. What about making Nightmares less.. nightmarish at the start and then slowly ramping up the horror factor?

Unless you're aiming to surprise the player (going from 0 to 100 in an instant), which game does decently, at least for me.

I see, thanks for letting me know. Gotta give that water an animation and rework the maps.

Well, movement controls actually only take one key at time, but instead it has a system that lets you "slip" into corridors if over a half of the tank in on it if you hold the movement button in the direction of the entrance. Works as intended , but it's over-engineering at it's finest, gotta change it.
At the start you have water above you and ice on the left you were supposed to move through. I guess I accidentally trolled people. Unless you mean you couldn't move at all, which is weird.

Thanks for the review!

Movement indeed is a bit sluggish, I will look into it.

Thanks for feedback!

Fun game - movement is fluid, deflection system is great, graphics are nice.

But voiceacting is grating. Even if she is supposed to be no-nonsense type the voice should be at least bearable, now it sounds like a boy pretending to be a woman.

And happy New Year!

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This is what I get after launching exe. file.

Windows 10 64 bit.

Ignore button just repeats the first error.

EDIT: Turns out it's a fault of some lines in the config file. No idea why. Some letters look weird, maybe my computer's fault. Deleting some of these lines fixed the issue.

 Controls are a bit floaty, making it more difficult to go between obstacles.

Great game, tho. The PC is cute.

Keep going.

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Flamethrower might be a bit OP.

When I unpack your zip folder, I get the files, which means that I have to create a new folder to put those files in if I want to keep a tidy library of games.

So it's like having all your pictures out on the desktop and putting them in the folder which would be placed on the desktop, it's cleanlier that way.

A fun game. I found first person camera nicer.

Fast pace and variety of levels keeps the game fresh.

Played it a little bit (going to play more later).

I think you need to rework the tutorial.  Basic flight tutorial doesn't tell you how to use starlanes and stargates and how to dock on stations (it's somewhere in the advanced tutorial, which some may skip for later as they might assume it's supposed to be read later, after they get hang onto basics).
Or maybe I'm too impatient to read all the text and that's why I ended up going through starlane on highengine or bashing against station trying to go through entrance (which is not marked much at all), but maybe some button prompt and/or pop-up text would be useful, so the player could learn the basics on fly instead of pausing the game every moment.

 I understand it's probably just a test, but voice-acting is irritating as hell and sounds like it tries to me comedy-ish. Normal text would be better already.

You can instantly start going back despite having forward thrust AND THEN start going forward at same speed you had before instantly.

1. Dazed effect from Thunderbolt card causes the game to crash when it's enemy's turn, no matter if enemy is dead or alive

2. You can still move while in equipment/stats/ect.  window, you might want to fix that

3. While using Concentration, you can get the very same card back from graveyard and you gain one additional card while using that card on top of that. Mix with Dreamy card and you will get insane amount of surge, not to mention all the free cards

4.Last fight is bugged, nothing happens

5.You should put the files in the folder

6.It seem there is no way to quit the game besides Alt+F4

7.Not really sure if Star Chart works properly

8.Cute character