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got a lot of great ideas here! I think you need a better instrument patch though. IMO it doesn’t scale well between different note velocities. Kind of makes it sound like you’re just tweaking the volume knob rather than playing and interacting with the instrument. I dunno, I feel like a better synth could bring those notes more alive!
Nice work! I love the composition. Also, genius making an overture for this jam; what a concise way to get a flurry of ideas in a single track. Lots of work though haha.
only thing I can think is to play with some effects maybe? I think the piano could use some reverb/delay. In the mid section where it’s all spooky. I think a lot of the transitions and different sections can be characterized with more separation, and FX might be the way to go. Composition is so strong that you really want to highlight it.
For sure! So I do a lot of rock/metal so I use EZDrummer and a metal add-on pack. I think it was like 300-400 USD total, kind of pricy if you’re just dabbling.
For guitar samples I’ve not really been able to replace just real recordings and amp effects software (I use guitar rig and some other stuff)
but you can get some pretty heavy synths by just modulating them using distortion and saturation. Here’s one of my heavy synth tracks: https://calvinjee.bandcamp.com/track/temperature-limit-exceeded-encounter
Nice submission! To get a heavier sound, you should do two rhythm guitars panned all the way to either sound. For rock and metal, you kinda have to compress the crap out of everything. Your bass could use some distortion and heavier compression to keep the volume more consistent. Great ideas in this piece!!
Great work! I love the composition. The jazzy breakdown in the middle is killer.
Rock/metal is hard to do without real guitars I find. Also, it’s hard to do without the right drum samples. It’s gotta sound hard and aggressive and you can’t really get that without the right tools and sounds. Maybe by using a lot more overdrive and saturation to squeeze out those harmonics??