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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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I've fixed/added some features ... word sorted is easier now; credits are properly shown and you see the words when collecting them

Thanks for testing. I hope to find a way to resolve and display the sorted words

The audio was very nice indeed. Unfortunately the credits screen was missing it's json file. Will be fixed in next version

I broke the words sorter. I have a fix ready which looks and works better. I tried drag and drop but failed in understanding dragging UI controls.


Yeah ... it was a too big effort on my own. Last minute changes broke the sentences sorter making it an incomplete game :-(

The maze generations and random 'word' objects was a good lesson to learn for me. Hope to do something similar on a next jam ;-)

Weird ... as you say plural `files` which one are you referring to?

I am on Mac :-(

You can export MacOS and Linux versions even on Windows ... maybe give it a try?

(1 edit)

The HTML version does not resize so it's not playable for me. The source files runs great. Takes for sharing.

The last level is not in view ( setting var lastchapter = 5 fixed that)