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Cliff Jameston

A member registered Mar 04, 2016 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I realized far too late that I should've implemented the camera much differently, unfortunately. I was planning on adding some tire skids to make the drifting aspect more apparent, but I'm glad it sorta came through regardless! Thanks for taking a look!

Yeah, there's at least a couple bugs that I've had people find during post-jam playtesting. Sadly, I didn't get the opportunity to get much playtesting in during the jam, so I'm not entirely surprised that there's bugs, heh.

This is a really slick looking game. I'm kinda glad it didn't go too much farther than it did, since my wrist was already starting to hurt by the end of this, but I still had a pretty good time!

This is a really neat little game! I love your story, it makes for a really neat twist to the genre.

This is such an oddly compelling little game. I definitely agree with the others that the tutorials could use a bit of work though, and I think the pixel art might just need a tweak to the Pixels per Unit to look way better. Probably one of my favourites so far!

I really liked this! What might've made it better would be actually being able to see the net as it comes down, or just the camera being in a better angle in general (pulled back, and/or have the player below the center of the screen), but I had fun with it regardless.