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A member registered Jan 31, 2022

Recent community posts

Will it be on android or mobile

Will the itchio version get new characters we can use

Will there be a demo

It sounds good hope it will work on emulator and good luck with the game 

will the game have like cum inflaitonn or pregnancy

How manny chacter can get preg on free download

Is it on android or workin on emulator

yes please do it

Will it be on android

Wil it work on androi

It looks so good and is the a bellyful life worked on

(1 edit)

Is there android version

Will there be like vore

Will we be abel to control  the mobile suit


Will the game atill be counting

are we abel to chose what path for the fox girl like weight gain or pregnancy 

Will it be on android

Will it be on androi

damn i see but will there be android?

Dose it work on emulator

Dose the game work on emulator

Is the game still worked o

Is the game still being update

(1 edit)

It dosent let me play on joiyplay 

Yeah maybe bit thanks

Hi i have a question were you making like a pregnacy game or am i just wrong

Will it work on a mobile

How many part are goin to be there

Is there mobile version in the future

ok im gonna try agian

On emulator its just kicks me out im using joyiplay 

And the  one android it says it cointas a virus the othes games work 

The demo dosent work on emulator and on android

After i defeat the blue slime boss and the cutseen happen when he turns small the game frezzes

Dose it work on android

Will the game work on mobile

Will it have pregnec

Is there weight gain

didint work but dose it work on emulator like the other games