game is super but recepts is so hard to find can you add something like more detailed recept book please
So far as I can tell, there is an issue where:
Fatty oil needs tectonic press
Tectonic press needs treated wood
Treated wood needs fatty oil
Unless there is another way into the loop, I don't see how to get any of these.
Edit: ah! I didn't see how important that "or inventory" text was. I figured the inventory would only be able to do crafting recipes that match the automatic assembler.
Hi, thank you for the feedback. As far as I have tested, everything should be able to be automated. The oven recipes that take fuels as ingredients are trickier, but there are techniques.
A method that I have been using is using a second oven as a timer. You can get a signal with an inspector panel and logic gate (in inverted mode) when the fuel has run out in an oven, so you can use a second oven as a clock to know when to feed fuel to the first oven and itself. Then you can fill up the first oven with fuel and input ingredients as normal.
Thank you so much for the feedback, the sandwich error is now fixed (any other fatal errors, will be fixed if I discover them or they are brought to my attention). The savefiles are compatible with new versions, so no progress should be lost.
Edit: do make sure to destroy and place the structure anew to reset its recipes after you update, as recipes are stored locally in a structure.
The concept is there but some of the automation is really rough to get your head around.
If you get the chance, some QoL features would do this game wonders:
Only had two bugs with the game:
Overall this has clearly been made with a lot of love. The modifier + mouse click scheme took a while to get used to but it works well enough, especially once you learn that space+click can remove buildings.
WG game devs are honestly something else... amazing.
First off I would like to say that I love the premise of this game. Factorio is one of my favourite games so seeing its mechanics in a game with this theme is a dream. Seeing the screenshots shows me there a really nice endgame.
However, there are some problems with the game which I hope get some sort of fix because I'm sure this game will be great once they're addressed.
The biggest addition that's needed is snapping conveyors. Consider this:
This was my third attempt at trying to align the conveyors to the funnel. Even now I cannot tell why the bottom conveyor works and the top doesn't. There are not even any indicators to show where they would align as far as I can see. There desperately needs to be snapping if a factory is going to reach even half the scale of the factories in your screenshots. Also it would be good if we could place conveyors on while there is an item in that space so that we don't have ot pause automation to add belts. Personally, I'm going to stay off the game until snap or some alternative is added.
The UI changing size as we zoom in and out is pretty bad as well. Also in my opinion the font is quite difficult to read. Those two in combination especially managed to give me a headache
Now for smaller changes. When clicking on an item to check its recipe, it would be nice to be able to see the recipe of one of its ingredients that we haven't crafted yet. Currently we have to go through one of the items we have crafted and hope it leads to the recipe of the ingredient we are looking for.
Being able to click the dialogue box to continue the conversation rather than clicking the arrow and question mark (I'm not sure of the purpose of setting the question mark as another button as well). Oh and being able to use the ESC button to close menus would be great too.
I feel like the character moves a bit too slow especially considering there can be large amounts of empty space. A speed increase, sprint option or even movement upgrades later on would be my suggestions.
Despite the flaws I can absolutely see the potential of this game and it would be a favourite in this community if these problems are addressed so I hope you eventually update it with some quality of life if you find the time. Regardless, I thank you for your hard work on making such a game
Hi! The logic gate is closed by default when you place it. You can set a source position for it by control left clicking before placing (a small orange arrow will appear at the position). If the logic gate detects an item at its source position, it will open and stay open for as long as there is an item there.
For more advanced uses, the logic gate can also respond to information on the inspector panel. This can be used to detect states of different structures, including other logic gates. Inspector panel source can be set in the same way as logic gate source.
The logic gate can be inverted by control left clicking after placing. In this mode, it is open by default, and closes when it detects a signal.
Np. A way that is more reliable can be done using logic gates. The way that I have done it is by putting logic gates in the way of items going into a structure, and having those logic gates open when an product comes out of the structure. So the logic gate source is set to a point on the output conveyor belt.
Edit: the waste bin is there to make sure that no items get stuck on the output belt if the chest is full, as this would break the system.
You can talk to them, give them their favourite food, and beyond that, they get one friendship point for each of their body parts that you max out in size. The maximum friendship level should be 9.
Edit: there is a system to where the cowgirl puts the nutrition you give her, but in short, just feed her a lot and it should work. The easiest body part to max out are the boobs. Just feed her slowly while she is producing milk and they should grow.
I tested just now, and I wasn't able to replicate it. The feeder should be able to feed regardless of what the milker is doing. Are you able to post a gif or a screenshot of what's happening?
Edit: could it be that the cowgirl is maxed out on nutrition? If the cowgirl has something like 10k nutrition, she will stop consuming food, so it will stay in her inventory and the feeder won't be able to give her anything more.
Ah I see. The care robot requires power to function (in general all structures with a little lamp require power). You can give power to structures with a transmitter pylon or similar.
Edit: there is a bug here tho, and it is that the milker can milk once without power, which I should get around to fixing.
The framerate is fine, its just that i was recording it. Also the structure does have power but it still isnt feeding the cow girl
Edit: Nevermind! I WAS due to there not being a transmitter pylon nearby, the bug where the milker worked without electricity was just making me think I had power. Thanks so much.
Gotta say... I absolutely HATE all the bullshit I had to pull out of my ass to get it to work... but I did it! I managed to automate ONE multi-ingredient furnace recipe! I don't think I have the wherewithal to do any more, though. It's just the worst. I cannot overstate how much I did not like it, and that I only stuck with it to conclusively say that I wasn't just upset because I was unable to do it (and maybe the sunk-cost fallacy played a role, too).
If you could just set a machine to a certain recipe, everything would be fine and you could just shove the ingredients into it like in any good factorio-esque game instead of having to meticulously ensure that every ingredient comes in the EXACT right proportions with the EXACT right timing. I was met with disappointment after disappointment as I tried strategy after strategy that SHOULD have worked, but didn't.
Not meant to disparage or discourage, just honest feedback about how it feels to try to automate stuff when you are coming in from the outside. Awesome game overall and I am very excited and hopeful to see these kinks (ha ha) ironed out. I would not have stuck with it this long if I wasn't enjoying it for the most part.
Hello! I am happy that you were able to automate it in the end, and I get that it can be a frustrating experience.
If you were expecting a game like factorio, this game can be counter intuitive because you have to make sure that the machines work and don't clog up. And it's a different kind of challenge than factorio, and it can be difficult, but that's what I wanted for it.
Automation isn't always as straight forward as factorio. You'll have to design machines so that they work, and the challenge comes from using the logistic structures and setting up the individual machines. It is similar to factorio in some ways, but automation is not the same experience, and that's the idea.
I get that it could be a lot to jump into, and given that the game doesn't have a tutorial, and that you need to figure everything out yourself, it could be very difficult.
I am happy that it was mostly enjoyable, tho.
Fair enough. Creating for oneself is a good way of avoiding burnout. Unless commissioned, one should never need to make something that one wouldn't enjoy, oneself.
Still think setting machines to certain recipes would solve basically every problem I have with the automation, though... and seeing as it takes so incredibly much nutrition for the goddess to grow, the vast majority of the weight gain content is locked behind a system that I find unpleasant to automate. I appreciate the inclusion of a cheat mode for those who just want to see the WG content, tho. It is a good game you've made, it just has some sticking points for me.
Thanks for the correspondence, as well, it's nice to have respectful communication like this. Especially when weight-gain fetish content is the subject, haha
Edit: also want to impress that I have absolutely no sense of entitlement about any of this FREE content I'm getting for FREE from someone who put TIME and EFFORT and, seemingly, LOVE into it, this is all just candid feedback.
Don't worry, I do appreciate feedback a lot! The best parts of development were when I got to watch people play it and voice their opinions, and the game has become better for it. Reading the comments has also been very nice, and it has motivated me to fix things that I wouldn't have fixed otherwise.
As for the goddess requiring too much nutrition, you can change the required nutrition by editing the savefile data (%localappdata%/gain_factory/game_data_.ini). You just find the variable "goddess_nutrition_goal" under the save that you're playing on, and set it to something smaller. For the hardmode goddess, you can also alter the loss rate for the goddess by changing the value for the variable "goddess_loss_rate". Most things are stored locally in the savefile, so in theory, you can also change things like cowgirl appearances, though the savefile isn't optimized for human interaction. The saves are in json format, but all the " are replaced with <.
Hi! Other people have also asked about electric furnaces, but I will not be adding an electric furnace as it doesn't fit with what I want for the game. It would remove the challenge from automating oven recipes, and it would make all mechanics related to the industrial oven irrelevant. Oven automation requires setups that are different from the other crafters (especially for recipes that take a fuel as an ingredient), and I think it makes oven automation interesting. If I add an electric furnace, it would essentially be another crafter. So for those reasons, I have no plans to add an electric furnace.
To craft items, place the items into the orange box next to your inventory using right click (you can take items out by left clicking). To take out the product of the crafting recipe, use shift left click. Some recipes require machines, and it says in the recipe book which machine is required, and if the recipe can be done in the inventory crafter.
Fullscreen mode can be toggled with alt enter (I should probably add this as an option in the settings menu). I will probably not make an external document with all the information, but if you want, you can unlock all the items in the recipe book using cheat mode. Items are unlocked when they have been picked up by the player, so you can turn on cheat mode (c + h + e + a + t, pressing t last) and use the up arrow to cycle through all the items from chocolate to long distance funnel, and then turn cheat mode off again.
Edit: now fullscreen mode can be toggled in the settings menu, as well as the in-game options menu.
I will admit that it's a frustrating start, but only because things are a bit hard to figure out without much guidance. I came really close to giving up, but scouring through the comments I was able to figure out enough to get me started. Now I'm starting to get engaged with the crafting system. I really really want to enjoy this game. I know some people are going to be completely in their element with it.
I get that it can be hard to figure out in the start, and it could turn a lot of players off. I'll do my best to answer questions that come up for now, and if I figure out ways to make the game beginner friendly, I'll do that too.
It's good that the comment section was useful at least. I have been thinking of maybe having a discord server or subreddit or something, but I have no experience moderating such spaces.
There is no sound being played when cheats are activated (tho that is a great suggestion). It could be tricky to activate it sometimes, I often need to give it a few tries, but it should work to hold c h e a and press t. I would speculate that maybe the keyboard you're using cannot handle that many inputs at once, but I am using the cheapest keyboard I could find, and it works for me.
Maybe I should add an easier way to activate cheats in the next update, something like pressing them in quick succession instead of at once.
I have had people request that the pages for locked items should be able to be viewed, and at first I didn't want to add that, but I think it would actually alleviate a lot of the frustration with figuring out recipes. I think I'll be adding it in the next update.
Edit: what specifically do you mean by laptop friendly?
I guess don't make the game required to have a mouse. As like mining requires you to hold the right click or having to right click for fueling but I think this could be easily taken care of with a config menu. Also playing a bit more it would be nice having a way to copy/paste and delte/move an area of objects to not have to click individually to mitiagte the time it takes to make a building or putting it in the trash bin. Then there was also the drones (can't remember there name) where it seemed like that the can only drag and place one location at all for the item itself. Lastly, I was trying to make an automation but I was stuck on finding out if it was possible to put fuel in the drills. Was I doing something wrong or is that not possible in the game yet?
The game was designed with mouse in mind, so would take a lot of rewriting to make it possible to configure the click buttons to keyboard buttons, and I don't think it is worth it, as most people have a mouse even for laptop. I have considered copy paste, but I don't think I am good enough at programming to make it work. The drones usually have one position from which they pick up and one position to which they deliver, and a range of 96px I think, so if a position is more than 96px (radius) away from the base, it won't use that position. It is possible to put fuel in the drills, both by hand (right click) and with funnels/drones. It could be if the hitbox of the ore vein is in the way, that the funnel won't be able to be placed right up against the drill, in which case it won't funnel into it. You can fix this by placing the drill centered on the ore vein, or off to one side where the funnels are gonna be.
I get that the game can be pretty hard to understand to begin with, I will be changing how the recipe book works in the next update, so recipes should be easier to find. The goddess provides help with things if you talk to her and select help, and there are some tips in the description of the game.
If you have questions, I can also answer them.
Hi! You can try using the logic gates. Logic gates detect items at a position and stay open for as long as there are items there. This lets you control the flow of items and can be used to make more reliable automation. Here is an example of this in use:
The source of the gates is set to be on the output conveyor and the waste bin is there so that the conveyor doesn't clog up if the chest is full.
I think, it would be better if you changed a hovering hand's description so it mentions that it can grab items from storage/machine. (that could have saved me some time)
Also i noticed that clicking on Soft Cheese item in recipe book shows that it is an ingredient for hamburger, but it is actually not.
Some thoughts
I'm not sure why there's no dash option. Player movement speed is slow, and without being able to zoom around the map it makes hunting for resources a huge slog.
On that note, not everything should be done with the mouse. Having everything be done through some arcane combination of right and left clicking is incredibly unintuitive, and it slows down the gameplay loop to a glacial pace. Being able to use ESC to exit menus is on par with WASD to move in terms of ubiquity, so it's weird to not see it.
There's also zero indication of where to forward, or how any of this works. The Goddess provides a quick rundown of the controls yes, but outside of that things like figuring out electricity or how to build larger machines was completely out of left field.
As some people has pointed out, it is incredibly complex to automate a single item. This is a factory game, where the point is establishing a well run automated factory. This is also a weight game gain, where the goal is to complete gameplay loops and be rewarded with plump eyecandy. I don't know if locking the weight gain gameplay loop behind such a byzantine factory gameplay loop is a wise idea.
This feels like a game made very specifically for one person, and that's not bad. If you're not happy with your work there's no point. But I think it would be worth thinking about how accessible you want this game to be, and if the level of complexity that you seem to seek is in service of that goal.
I want to like it. I do. I like complicated games, I like number heavy games, hell my two most played are Dwarf Fortress and EU4. But at the moment I can't convince myself that the cowgirls are worth the grind of getting through the game.
Honestly this feels like the skeleton of a fantastic piece of work, it just needs some heavy editing when it comes to UI and quality of life stuff. Greatly looking forward to seeing how it develops.
Hi thank you for the feedback. I understand that it isn't very intuitive in the beginning. It is true that the controls are a bit weird and that the progression can be pretty opaque. There is at least the item book to help, but it is very likely that it is not enough.
I have used the current control scheme because I haven't found one that I felt worked better, and it isn't perfect.
Escape can be used to exit menus in game, at least as far as I have tested. Does it not work? If not, I need to look into it.
You can zoom using E.
I think maybe just having a little guidebook giving an example of how to say, a basic mining rig up and running would go a long way. Doing that would cover most of the basic mechanics, and provide a good groundwork to build off of.
As far as I can tell escape isn't working, but I'll try again in a moment. As for the controls, it's just a lot of modifiers to remember for the clicking. I'm not sure what a simpler way to go about it would be, so this might just be the best possible option.
For the zoom, I just meant for the whole map, since even with max view distance it still takes quite a while to get from one side of the map to the other in order to scout out resources.
Also, since I neglected to mention this in my last post, I love the art style. I think you've done a remarkable thing in creating a sense of unified aesthetics and also great character design. It's easily the best I've seen in a wg game maybe ever.
I have now included examples of how to automate the most important things in the description of the game, I hope it helps.
Escape is working on my end, and I'm not sure how to test or fix the issue, and I also don't know how many others are having the same issue.
The map size issues are a little better now. New worlds spawn with a few patches that are close to the goddess.
Thank you, I am happy that you like the art!
Hello, i've played for hours at this point and noticed that there's a bit of QoL improvements that'll really help players if you're gonna implement them.
1: Showing crafting time for items and crafted amount in the recepe.
2: Showing amount of items in a stack on the ground (Preferably constantly, but can be toggle-able)
3: Grid - based placement, it really sucks to place everything pixel perfect and is the most annoying part of the game with which you spend most of your time dealing. Grid - based placement will streamline base construction and will be more intuitive than what we have right now. Grid - based placement will also negate the problem of conveyors, you just simply have 1 length instead of multiple. Another problem it can solve is resource nodes overlap (Basically set up separation parameter for them in X grids away from each other)
4: Controls. I really do not see any problem with making them better, for example - Left click to pick up items and place them into containers, Shift + left click to pick up produce, Right click to rotate items clockwise, Shift + Right click to rotate items counter clockwise, R to drop an item you're holding in hand on the ground, Shift + R to drop a stack on the ground, Space to change the placement mode (Grab, build, deconstruct, etc. - Left click to build and deconstruct, you can't grab items while in construct/deconstruct mode), L.ctrl - to run faster.
5: Limit the size of the map. Unlike in factorio, this game has unlimited resources in nodes, you don't need a map this big. Another thing is, is that with current map size most of your cowgirls just run away if you're not quick enough to stop them. Additionally, you can add parameters for generation so the spawn area has at least 1 patch of every resource, but on a good enough distance from a goddess and have enough space between each other to place all the machinery without overlaping.
6: When you zoom out interface should stay the same size.
7: Slightly increase stack sizes of different items, it's almost unbearable sometimes.
8: At a higher relations level for cowgirls add a feature of commanding them on where they should go (Enter a command mode with Space bar)
9: Add a small icon above cowgirls head to see what food do they like (When holding Q button).
I have more thoughts on the game mechanics but this post is aready big enough as is
Sent you a friend request on discord btw, i wanna chat about your game
Crafting time isn't something that is worth worrying about when automating. The ratios are clean very often, but using them for automation isn't practical. I won't be including the crafting time in the recipe book, because I don't want it to distract players from better solutions.
The map size issue is a little less in v7. New worlds spawn with guaranteed ore deposits close to the goddess, and cowgirls now have a bias towards walking to the goddess.
Stack sizes have been increased in v7, because I agree that the stack sizes were a little small.
Grid based placement isn't something I will add, and the controls are going to stay the way they are.
Could you elaborate on what you mean? Recipes with 6 ingredients work the same as recipes with less than 6 ingredients. The only structures with 8 inventory slots are the stirling engine and the nuclear reactor. The nuclear reactor (and the milk refinery) require heavy duty vaccuum tubes instead of glowy transistors.
Thank you, I'm happy you like the game.
You need to generate power with manual crank, stirling engine or nuclear reactor. When you placing generators there is a highlighted zone in which electricity goes into machines. Generated electricity can be received everywhere, but you need a transmitter pylon to receive it and send to machines. To make it simple: you need to generate power in generators, receive and send it to machines with pylons.
Maybe you can add a cheat to make more food or cheat that enable feature to plant a ultimate sandwich or as example make a potato nutrition = 1000? To greatly speed up feeding process for people who don’t like to crack their brains and play 10 hours to see a goddess a little fatter. I’m tired of this game, i automated Ultimate Sandwich, my brain went out for a walk…
The nutrition goal of the player and the cowgirls are a little more complicated than the goddess. They are coded into the objects and aren't variables they carry, so the goals can't be changed.
For the player, you can give yourself upgrade points by changing the variables called "upgrade_points" and "upgrade_points_total" (edit both to avoid weird stuff happening).
As of v7 1/2, I'm loving the QoL improvements; thanks for listening and adding feedback so readily! (Small wonder I couldn't get the grilled cheese to work before, it turns out it needed the furnace!)
Had this come up when crafting the ultimate sandwich, using a tectonic press placed in the release version; destroying and replacing the press fixed the issue:
############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_structure_tectonic_press: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [7] out of range [7] - -1.structure_recipes_result(100721,7) at gml_Object_obj_structure_tectonic_press_Step_0 ############################################################################################ gml_Object_obj_structure_tectonic_press_Step_0 (line -1)
Clicking randomly around the recipe book in the lower left of a recipe will sometimes give this error:
___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Mouse Event for Left Pressed for object obj_item_book: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0] out of range [0] - -9.made_into(100971,0) at gml_Object_obj_item_book_Mouse_4 ############################################################################################ gml_Object_obj_item_book_Mouse_4 (line -1)
Otherwise I finally had time to make at least one of everything; next time I'm looking forward to starting new where ores are much closer to the goddess!
Hey, I wanted to automate scrap metal since i'm in early game but the funnel won't let me insert coal (fossil chocolate) into the basic mining rig like I did with my coal production, is there a way to get around this?
(nevermind i fixed it, if anyone else runs into this problem, just make sure you have no stray items in the machine or else it won't actually use the coal)
Game's pretty good, figuring out how everything works is pretty fun even if i'm really not used to this kind of game. Automating stuff isn't as bad as i see some people say in my opinion, it just take a lot of time. I don't think i have any real problems with the game, only thing i noticed is that cow girls get very often stuck in object like funnel and logic gate when riding a conveyor belt. I put a pic with SIX cow girls stuck in funnels, this happened in only 5 minute, it's a bit annoying to unstuck them on automated stuff, they don't follow you either when you ask them to in this state. If you want my opinion i think conveyor belt shouldn't affect cow girl at all, it would make moving them around easier too.
You can decrease/increase the length of a conveyor by using ctr+leftclick or ctr+rightclick respectively
to connect them the belts themselves must touch not only their outline. the outline only indicates the speed at which the belt transports items (which can be set by ctrl+left/right clicking after they’ve been placed on the ground) and are not actually part of the belt so to speak
Excellent work crushing the bugs found so far.
Just a few minor things I wanted to point out. I noticed that while using the bikini top if you turn around your back shows the old tube strap bra instead of the back of the bikini. Also automation is hard. Hovering hands doesn't show any helpful information for me in the menu. Aside from that I'm thoroughly enjoying beating my brain against how to automate my machines, and trying to keep all the wild cowgirls from getting stuck on my conveyors.
P.S. If you have a discord server and a Patreon set up please provide a link. Although WG is not my thing I do enjoy the BE, and Thiccening aspects of the game, and think this is worth supporting.
Thank you. The issue with the bra for me appears in the upgrade menu in game, but not for the actual player character, does it appear on the player character for you? Regardless I'll have it fixed for the next update.
I do have a discord, it is in the description of the game, but I can put it in my profile too. For monetary support, I set up a paypal, a few days ago but I didn't end up announcing it (I wasn't sure if itch allowed links to other donation places, given that it has its own system). I have now set up a patreon, but it is under review, so I'll link to it when it is public.
Edit: I have thought about making a discord server or a subreddit, but I don't know if I'll be able to moderate it.
Thank you, it is very encouraging that people actually want to support this thing!
Update, the patreon is now up. There are no rewards for donating (but it is appreciated)
Edit: for some reason the link linked to pixiv, it now should work.
Absolutely fantastic game!
scratches the same itch as fatorio and i absolutely love it
The spritework is fantastic and i really enjoyed figuring out how the automation works with the limited logic gates.
Getting stuff automated that require chocolate in a furnace as ingredients took a bit of thinking outside the box and i love it
Normal mode was a blast and i honestly can’t wait to see how the drain mechanic in hardmode impacts how i need to setup my factory
A few nitpicks from my side:
Personally i added some dropshadows to all the item sprites and it helped me a ton
I just talked to all of them right at the start and made them stand still
So overall fantastic game! Can’t wait to see what’s coming next
Thank you, it makes me happy that you liked the challenge!
If you want to, you can post the texture edit, in case people want to use it. I don't have a problem with people posting the texture pages, even if it's only small edits.
When it comes to item shadows, that is a great idea, and I will add it in the next update. Also, in the next update, the cowgirls will no longer be moved by belts, because several people have had issues with it.
Does anyone have instructions/advice on how to automate recipes that require a food source as an ingredient in an oven? I'm trying to automate Grilled Cheese but can't figure out how to make it so the butter is used as an ingredient and not a food source. It works for awhile as the butter won't go in as fuel while the oven has more than half of its fuel but once it gets lower than that it starts using the butter as a fuel source and stops the automation. I can't constantly put butter in as it will eventually overflow the ovens ingredient spaces and I can't get the rest of the ingredients in.
You can use this setup. Furnace has 2 wrenches inside of it. Bread conveyor is at speed 2. All logic gates are connected to one spot. And the logic gate at butter is reversed.
Basically what it does is putting butter until its full and when recipe is done it stops butter from going for a brief second so that other materails can go to their spot. Same can be done with fossils fuel. Just make sure to put gates very close to funnels. Other than that it is kinda simple. (in my first playthrough i also thought about automating it and spent like 2 hours experimenting)
Hello there ^-^ I really like the game so far, it got his own charm and goals/mechanics are pretty interesting. I know you got not too much time as of now about futur upgrade but I will still ask you two things if I may :
-Will there be possibility to get more than 7 breast upgrade ourself ?(Since Cows and Goddess can, it would be nice to have that option too.)
-Are you planning on making the map a bit more "Lively" Like putting grass and stuff like that, not like I dislike that much the gray heart form but it would be interesting to have some variety.
Anyhow, thanks for the game and have a great one !
Thank you!
It wouldn't take much to make larger breast sizes for the player, but if I want to keep old saves and texture pages compatible with newer versions, I can't do that. If I release a really big update with a lot of new content, then larger sizes of body parts will definitely be a thing I will add.
I thought of putting grass and small plants around the map, but I couldn't figure out a way to do it that wouldn't be too heavy to run. I could maybe give it another look at some point in the future, because I did want to have it in the game, but I don't know yet.
The reverse gates work like normal gates, but they have the opposite state in relation to the input, so if a gate is closed and would open when it detects an item, the not gate will be open and close when it detects an item. You can change the mode of a gate by control right clicking it after it is placed.
Hey, really been enjoying your game so far and learning how to make everything automated, this is my first time playing a factory-builder so it has been a big Hurdle to get over but with enough time, dedication, and scrolling through the comments to find people having the same problems i was having, i was finally able to learn and even put my own ideas into effect.
But I keep running into the same problem whenever i go to make an item through a automated furnace, and that is it keeps overflowing with fossil chocolate
I made another furnace that had the same issue but i was able to fix the by having the furnace and chest as close as they can be but have enough room to have the item come out and get immediately sucked into the furnace
I feel as though I over complicated it the first time and want to know if there's a better way at solving this and future furnace machines that would require multiple different items
Thank you!
You can check out this tutorial by Kormorn, it shows a pretty good setup for oven automation:
i like the game so far, but it has some quality of life problems that hinder the fun. to start, some simple tasks in the game are more tedious than they should be. picking up buildings requires clicking on them to destroy, and then another click, manually moving it to your inventory, and a final click to place it in the inventory. there should be an option to directly pick up buildings and automatically place them in the inventory, and the same goes for items placed on the ground. it would also he helpful if you could grab items from containers and automatically place them into the inventory. if you had to rebuild a part of your factory it could get very time consuming having to destroy the buildings and grab every little piece. one last little thing, if the conveyor size was the middle size by default it could save a lot of clicks since players will likely need something bigger than the smallest.
I do agree that it takes a lot of clicking to clean up an area, and it would be good to have a way to move items directly into the inventory from a structure. In that case, I would add a way to move items from the ground to the inventory as well. For conveyors, I could change it so that the conveyor belt starts at the largest size , because I think most people use the largest size most often.
I'll see when I have time to make these changes. I do think that it would be better.
Edit: I ended up adding the stuff right away. V9.5 is out now.
You can farm the beans in pots and harvest using care robots in harvester mode, then you just cram the beans directly into the press to make bean meat, then you cook the meat in the oven to make steaks. The oven setup can be made using an inspector panel to track the fuel level and an inverted logic gate to let fuel in when the fuel level is 0. Control right click a logic gate to invert.
I want to thank everyone for all the comments, and suggestions, and feedback. It's really cool to see people engaging with the game, and it makes me very happy to see people enjoying it!
I also want to thank the people who have donated on patreon. I never assumed I would make anything from this project and it's cool that people wanted to donate!
I've been playing his game for about 2 days. Developer was right about automation being a puzzle, but through following guides automation has become a breeze. what a fun game you have made that I might be bad at. Though I can't figure out how to get the milking machines to work.
(Edit) Ifigured out how to get them to be milked. I wasn't taking off there bra's
Control left click is for target position. Some structures have a target in addition to a source. Control right click before placing is for setting a source, which is where the gate will look for input. The gates can't take input from structures, so to take input from structures you need to use the inspector panel, and then set the panel as the source for the gate.
I've really been enjoying the game so far, but I do have a small suggestion. It would be nice if there was some way to set a "fuel" inventory for the furnace or something like that. Keeping items intended as fuel out of the furnace's processing inventory can get tedious at times.
Edit: I just thought of this after making the post! There could be a new Funnel structure that only sends fuel into the furnace when it needs it but doesn't send fuel into the processing inventory.
You can see if this tutorial helps:
Is there a tutorial or guide for the logic gates? Because either they or I lack enough logic to understand how they work.
EDIT: I was able to figure out how to mass-produce bamboo milkshakes, I saw in the setups that you said we had to set the source to the output conveyor, which worked... but it's not very intuitive. Maybe allow us the select a recipe we know when selecting the machinery(either through a ui, or by ctrl left clicking on the machine while holding the thing we want it to make), so that until we select/set something else, it can only make that one thing, and the filter tunnels won't put in more than they need to?
Being able to add fuel to something AS fuel, even when all 6 ingredient slots are full would be convenient.
here is a screenshot and the last thing I did that could have possibly affected this is that I fed my character some fries I think it was ether 1 or 2 nothing more though and after i noticed i fed her some more to try to get in the positives. it could also be that i messed with the "+" and "-" things for the chest a bit but that's it honestly. Sorry if that doesn't help.
Edit: also where would i go to edit character data spesificly cuz I'm on windows and I don't have the "%localappdata%/gain_factory" file i just have and I've opended it up in the notepad and is a lot of unknown cybols and I'm a tad out of my coding element. Again sorry.
I still wasn't able to replicate it. I'll leave the case open for now.
The %localappdata% is on windows, it is a shortcut to a folder. If you paste "%localappdata%/gain_factory/game_data_.ini" in the address bar in file explorer it should open the savefile (which is human readable). The easiest thing is to do a reset for your player nutrition. Before editing the savefile, you can put all the body parts back to 1, and in the savefile, you can set "upgrade_points_", "upgrade_points_total_", and "nutrition_points_current_" to 0.0.
If you could reply with what values these three variables have before you edit them, that would maybe give me a hint to what the issue is.
ok so this is what i found at the bottom of the file for the upgrade points, upgrade points total and nutrition points current:<upgrade_points_total_<:-2.0(followed by fat level and other stuff including nutrition points top witch is at @@nan$$) <:4.0,<nutrition_points_current_<:382.0,<upgrade_points_<:-3.0, (followed by creative enabled witch is at 0.0)
How does electricity work? More detailed,
About the number:
About the fuel comsumption (fuel value displayed when using a Panel on it) in electricity generator:
The numbers on the generators are how much power is globally in the system. The generators can't generate power if the global capacity is full. Each generator increases the global capacity. The substation provides a large amount of capacity, and also a larger display, so it can display the power quantity even when it's a very large number. All substations and stirling engines display the same global power quantity.
The generators generate an amount of power every time the orange fuel bar ticks down (the panel displays the fuel level in the generator as a number). The amount of power generated depends on what is being consumed as fuel.
Power is consumed by structures when a recipe is finished, and the amount of power consumed depends on the recipe.
Some bugs.
Bug 1. Sometimes the electricity power circle displays in wrong way. In the following case, the circle is behind the texture of the ground (holding Q doesn't change this behavior).
In some cases, the power circle just don't display.
Bug 2. Sometimes the logic gate cannot be placed even when there is nothing blocking it. This is very often when I'm facing down.
This game is way too addicting when you finally automate something, I love that, but even getting to this part is extremely hard. I got stuck because I couldn't find any grain, had to travel thousands of pixels just to find it, because the world is so barren.
After I got to automate something, I got some ideas;
1. Add a funnel for intersections. It's kinda messy doing that with logic gates and simple funnels. If you add a filter funnel, it does funnel, but the items stack endlessly when the line comes to a halt if you want to split a single item line.
2. Add an evenly distributor funnel. Splitter stop working when one line is completely occupied. Chests do work if you want to split a line of single items, but they don't fit in tight spaces.
3. Add chests for multiple items. This would allow for easy multi splitting.
4. Add a filter for each splitter path. You can currently only add one filter.
5. Add a fuse funnel. This would act as fusing splitter paths together. It's kinda messy doing that with conveyor belts.
6. Add conveyor belt curves. I don't understand how they aren't even in the game yet.
7. Show the logic gates coordinates when you hover over them.
8. Have different slots for items and fuel for furnace. Stopping the item input just causes too much headache and flow problems.
For intersections, I have usually used the hovering hand, but I get that it's not ideal always.
The splitter funnel has a soft split mode, so it sends items to whichever output has space. You can make a splitter with 2 filters by using 2 filter funnels funneling from the same location.
I don't think conveyors need curves, as you can just have one belt face into the next.
You can see source and target coordinates for structures by shift hovering over them.
The oases give a random crop each time, so in the worst case, you can farm the same oasis until you get all the crops
Using hovering hands, which are incredibly expensive, for intersections and bridges is definitely not the best way. The automation line for brass and light gears is way too big.
Items can't turn when the conveyor belts are adjacent to each other. You have to partially place them on top of each other which is kinda finnicky as too much overlap due to space concerns will not work.
You should specify the default mode in the description, because after testing the other mode, it does indeed work. Maybe the soft mode should be the default mode as its much more common.
Ok, I forgot about the shift hot key for the logic gates.
Yes, it's supposed to take from the miner and put it back into the miner with the chest as a buffer. You need to make sure that the funnels are right next to the miner and the chest. If there is space between the funnel and the miner/chest, the funnels won't funnel. You can hold space to align buildings to each other and to center miners on veins.
Performance Critical Bug:
Do not place conveyor belts off grid to filter funnels (leading out of chests).
This will cause the chest to output items infinitely because the range for the check for blocking the funnel (because there is an item in front of them) is smaller than the check to suck nearby items on to the conveyor belt. If you have spots were items coming out of a filter funnel are sucked on a full conveyor belt, fix it immediately.
I had this unnoticed for hours because I thought this was another quirky thing of the game. After a while I noticed how everything was incredibly slow (walking, crafting, conveyor belts) and thought this was because of the amount of items rendered. After finding out these spots (I had two), I had accumulated over 6000 single items on a single tile. This was because the spots were on my fuel line that automatically powers the iron and stone drills. It took me 45 minutes to put back all of the items.
Yeah I think I noticed this during development once, but I forgot about it. The item checks if there is collision with an item when moving straight on the belt and doesn't move if there is an item in front of it, but doesn't check for collision when moving sideways. I'll make sure to fix this in the next update.
I found another funny bug: You can't talk to your goddess when you're at 0%. It just says ??? with an empty box. After gaining 4 % and already having a nuclear reactor and on my way to automate basically any item I was finally able to do the tutorial.
Also, the message box system and UI is completely broken. The arrows are always greyed out when you pick a selection, it automatically scrolls to the last message of the conversation and you have to manually go back and the UI doesn't scale with the zoom level.
I have not experienced the bug with not being able to talk to the goddess, does it still happen if you make a new world?
The UI scaling I'm not happy with either, but I haven't figured out a good way to fix that.
The down arrow doesn't skip to the bottom, so you can use that one if you want to read through. I included a button that skips to the bottom so that people can skip through dialogue easier.
I think the engine doesn't draw stuff if it is offscreen. I think the reason why there isn't much difference between the zoom levels could be that after v9.8, the game no longer swaps textures a couple times for every structure, so drawing more of them isn't much heavier than drawing a few, but I'm not exactly sure.
Is there a way to port old worlds to newer versions or does that happen automatically?
Also that's not how zoom levels should render stuff. When I have the largest view, it should be slower than the smallest view, because I'm rendering more stuff.
Other than that, you should test more how many times something renders and what renders exactly. There might be some cases you've missed, if you aren't sure about that.
Old worlds should be compatible with newer versions, so you should be able to just load it and it should be fine. Some issues could still arise, some recipes have been changed in newer versions, so if you have a world with a crafter you placed in the first version, when loading it into a newer version, the recipes stay the same until it is destroyed and placed again. There could be other problems that come from loading old worlds into new versions, but I have tried my best to preserve compatibility.
About the rendering, as far as I've tested, it does only 4 texture swaps every frame (6 if goddess is on screen), where before it did between 2 and 4 for every structure (depending on the structure). Texture swaps are slow, and the performance impact of 40 texture swaps every frame is a lot more than drawing 40 sprites. The engine only renders stuff on screen, so it doesn't swap textures for off screen stuff. So in old versions it performs worse when zoomed out because it needs to swap a lot more, not only because it needs to draw more sprites.
You are right that when zooming out, it should be slower, and in old versions it is a lot slower because of texture swaps, but after v9.8 it performs about the same on all zoom levels, because the main difference in performance between zooms is no longer there. Drawing more sprites itself has almost no impact on performance in comparison to other things the game does, so you won't notice it between zoom levels.
Ah, good to know. Why do you need to swap textures? You have a big spritesheet, so isn't it better to change the image coordinates for each render update of the sprite routine? I'm fairly new to game dev, so I ask because it sounds like you switch the whole image instead of using texture coordinates.
It doesn't really need to swap the whole texture page, it does get all the sprites from the same page. It only swaps for the goddesses which I put on a separate page because the sprites are very large and they wouldn't fit on the main page.
The reason it was doing a lot of swaps before v9.8 was because I was using the built in draw_rectangle function which swaps textures to a built in page that contains only a white pixel which it uses to draw the rectangles (I wasn't aware of this). Rectangles were used for progress bars on structures, so it had to swap a few times for every structure that had a progress bar. The way I fixed it was using a white pixel I had on the main page, and just making my own rectangle function.
Oh, ok. I see that the progress bars are just one colored growing rectangles. Why don't you detach it from the building, render it above it and just draw the vertices of the rectangle growing and color it with a shader something like that? That doesn't require any textures. If your engine supports shaders, you can even calculate the position of the colors of the conveyor belts with a bit of math. This would be much more faster then swapping the textures. I see that some sprites are just simple rectangles or lines. Calculating and rendering them yourself is much much faster than using a texture. You should consider that in the next update.
The progress bar is already not a part of the structure sprite, and the game does draw the rectangle above the structure. I don't know if calculating and rendering vertices is faster in this engine, maybe it is, but it's fine now. The rectangle function that I made uses a white pixel on the texture page that is already loaded, and stretches and recolours it to make a rectangle for things like the progress bar, so there are no swaps (basically works the same as the built in rectangle function, but without swapping pages). Drawing more sprites doesn't impact performance that much, so it's fine.
If I should optimize, it would be other parts of the code at this point. The crafters for instance start at the top of an array containing the recipes in the form of arrays of items, and check every one of those arrays against their inventory until they find an array whose items the inventory contains (and then they start the crafting countdown). This is really inefficient, and is probably having a much larger performance impact than the same structure drawing an additional sprite as a progress bar.
Conveyors do already use a shader to swap colours.
I hope I'm understanding your points properly, and not speaking past you. If you want you can add me on discord, it could be easier to talk there.
The funnels will always pull items out of machines as long as the funnel is placed right next to the machine and there is space on the ground or in the structure the funnel is pointing at. To funnel into a structure, the funnel needs to be right next to that structure so that there isn't a gap between them. (If you are dealing with miners, they need to be placed on top of the vein in such a way that they are sticking out over the vein on the side where you place the funnel, otherwise there will be a gap between the funnel and the miner).
You can hold space while placing to center the miner on the vein (this will ensure that the miner is accessible from all sides), and to automatically place funnels right next to structures.
I hope this helps!
I'm intrigued by this game, it looks well fleshed out from the screenshots, but I'm not sure where to start. I've gotten each cowgirl up to level 3, gone through each dialogue option with the goddess for tips, gathered random resources and scavenged through the recipe book, and boosted my own level once, but I don't know what step one is. I've never played or watched a factory style game like this, is there some common game-genre knowledge I'm unfamiliar with? Hopefully a kickstart in the right direction will get me farther than just feeding her raw cookies manually
You could start climbing the "tech tree" by crafting the different structures manually. I would recommend crafting every item at least once, that way you can become familiar with what they do and what they are used for. Once you have crafted the structures needed for automation, you can start automating things like treated wood and industrial bricks, as those will be used a lot for structures. Once you have automated enough things to the point where expanding the factory isn't too much of a struggle, you can start automating the food.
The max friendship level of cowgirls is 9, and you get it by asking all 4 questions, feeding the favourite food, and getting each body part to the max level (which is 7 for all parts except for boobs, which is 9). There is a system to when body parts increase in size, but if you just feed the cowgirl until you can't anymore, that should do it. A heart will appear above the cowgirl when the friendship level is about to increase, and if you talk to her, it will increase the friendship level.
a couple of ideas that can improve the game
1 system to check if you had a plant (in my first playthrough I never got meat beans) this can be done by making a list of available plants and when you collect, for example, a mushroom, it is removed and now you can collect it again only when the list is empty
2 increase the maximum size to 15 (I saw somewhere how you wrote that additional RT sizes are not a problem for you) as well as the hitbox increase system that is, when it has one by 7+, all by 7+, one by 15, and all by 15, it grows by 1 pixel in all directions (15 by all 2 pixels)
3 maybe a cow girl mode where you can milk yourself and have a max breast size of 17 + maybe you can come up with something (if you think this idea is normal of course)
(sorry for Google translate)
It would be good to have a system ensuring that the player finds all the crops (maybe the crop system itself needs a rework).
I do plan on increasing the maximum sizes for all body parts, but for now, only to 9. 15 would be a lot of work, and I have other things I also want to add. I don't think I'll have the hitbox increase as size increases, because it would make the factory harder to navigate, and it could cause issues with the player or cowgirls getting stuck.
Milking yourself is not completely off the table, but I'll have to see if it works with the rest of the game.
Maybe something like a crop rotation rng system. Basically the crops grow random items but it removes the item from the list until it's empty the refills the list. (Make it global so each plant island does not need each own list.) The idea is you can get one of each crop if you harvest it enough times but the order will not be consistent.
You can filter what goes in using the filter funnels and you can decide when an item goes in using the logic gates. You can for instance stop items from going into the structure by blocking their path with logic gates, and then you can have something activate the gates letting one or more of each item in. Logic gates are important for most of the automation mid to late game.
So I admit I created an account just because I wanted to leave a comment about this game. I got some ideas that should be very simple to implement add challenge and greatly extends the life of the game.
I would like a merge funnel.
4 more goddesses. First could be an easy mode that has the what someone suggested an electric oven along with other beginner structures to make things simple. maybe a timer gate rather then a logic gate. I would save this only for the easy level as half the fun of your game is getting the charcoal oven to work the way you want and learning to use the tools you provided already.
Second goddess lactose intolerant or a requires everything to be cooked. enough said.
Third goddess like any normal one but there are some preset conveyors and feeders every now and then some unknown entity (cave, mob, or tunnel) drops some trash on the conveyor belt. Unfortunately for this it might be really gimmicky to stop this or be way to involved to implement.
Fouth idea animals (or maybe even the cowgirls) randomly eats stuff on conveyor belts. Its not supposed to be easy on the player. better get used to using logic gates :)
Last I wish it was not a fetish game so I wouldn't have to hide around the edge of the map to avoid embarrassing situations. Other then that great game it was fun learning how to use logic gates and creating timers.
Thank you, I am happy you enjoy the game! 4 more goddesses would be a lot to add, and I also wouldn't want the mechanics of machines and the world to change too much between goddesses, but I am planning on adding at least a few new things (nothing is set just yet, so suggestions are always interesting to read).
For the fetish elements, you can edit the goddess texture page to censor it if you feel like it (you could probably just fill it in with a solid colour or something, same for the cowgirls).
I dusted off my itch account for this comment
This is one of the best games in the weight gaming scene fr
it feels polished and i can always pick it up for an hour or two
the automation solutions you can come up with is amazing
the controls are a bit clunky at first, but it's easy to get used to
great game, keep up the good work!!
There is a small guide at the bottom of the game description here on itch for the cheat stuff. I also put out a small guide on some setups for automation on weightgaming.
So, played the game quite a bit and, I've faced a few problems.
1, I can't really seem to find a filtering method for how many items should go in a machine at a time. (Like, lets say, I want 2 items of something and 1 item of something instead of filling the 6 slots with everything and pray it makes out the 2 to 1 recipe)
2, I can't find any electric counterpart to the furnace and having to refill it constantly with fuel is tedious. Self fueling builds are also borderline impossible without something to time the fuel.
If I missed out something, do lets me know please!
1) You need to use logic gates. The way I used it is as follows:
It's slightly complicated, but if we for example take the fuel, I place the first gate, and make it read the fuel amount on the panel. The second gate is really close to only let one fuel at a time, and is reading the state of the first gate with the other panel, so that when the first one is closed, the second one is open and vise versa. For the ingredients it's basically the same, but instead of fuel level, you make it check if there's output. For something simpler you can actually check example images above, as provided by the creator of the game.
2) I've never had any problems with energy because I have this setup that always keeps my energies levels at an all high:
and if you need energy anywhere, just put a pylon or a substation there, and it should be good.
Hopefully this helps!
There are setups that help with these problems. I made a post on weightgaming that compiles a few of the most useful setups. It includes a setup for getting an exact amount of ingredients into a crafter, and 2 setups for keeping ovens fueled. Here is a link:
The idea is to use logic gates to detect when the structure outputs the items and only then input the correct amount of items, but the post I linked explains it better.
Edit: hellwraiz beat me to the punch on answering, their setup is good too!
No problem, it's good you figured it out!
The logic gates are either open or closed, and their state inverts when they detect an item at their source coordinates. You can manually invert the logic gate by control right clicking it, and you can set its source coords by control left clicking on a point while placing it. The logic gate can also read the state of an inspector panel, which works like a logic gate, except it detects properties of objects.
really interesting game. i like it but i do hope in next updates funnels would update so if you press the button like shift when placing it close to object it would stick to object automatically, because i am really tired from situations where i put it 1 pixel too far and it dont work anymore, same with belts, sometimes it just dont work with funnels and you need to try connect them again, and again, until they would perfectly match, pixel to pixel. that is tiresome. also, i want to ask for some ingame help about logic gates. maybe some screenshots with examples of their work step by step or something like this. I dont know if other people had problem with them but it was really not easy for me to understand what they are doing after i read their description in the manual and the goddess dont know anything about them, so i had to go and read the forum to understand a little. Thanks for the game, i enjoyed it and i am gonna play again
Hi, thank you for playing. When it comes to automatic aligning of structures, you can hold space while placing to place a structure next to another structure if your mouse is over the other structure's hitbox. I hope to make this more robust in the future, but even in its current state, it should be of help.
When it comes to item descriptions, I get that it isn't always the most clear how things work. I should probably rework a few of the descriptions to make the mechanics easier to learn.
I've been considering electric furnaces, but it would have to be late game stuff, probably the last machine you make, but I still haven't decided on the specifics, or if I'll actually add them. I have been worried that they would be too overpowered or that they would make the regular ovens fully obsolete.
i can also suggest upgrade version of logic gates, because even if i indersood how they work and finally set everything up, they can still let go 2 items from conveyer belts somehow if it on normal speed. I think everything could be much easier if there would combination like shift+right mouse at set gate that set it to let go only 1/2/3/how conveyer goes items per opening so it would be much easier to set automation. It is really extremely needful item imho because it is extremely not intuitive process to set it with just logic gates even if you read description. forum and saw some pictures of preset factory
Have you had 2 items go through the gate on a normal speed conveyor? If so, that is something that I'll have to fix. I think the logic gate itself works fine, but it is the case that some setups are pretty difficult to figure out (especially for the oven where fuel is an ingredient). I'll see what I can do to make automation easier to understand in the future.
Yes, so the logic gates have a source (set by control left clicking on a position), and when there is an item at the source position, it opens. It can also detect the state of the inspector panel which in turn can detect most other things. You can invert the logic gate by control right clicking it after it has been placed.
still cant fix my nuclear fuel factory. i just dont understand whats wrong. The down conveyer is set to open when fuel is crafted, logic gate is set, speed is default. It should only let 1 glowy parcelain through, but no. It is from 1 to 2 per opening of gate. And 90% of times it is 2 items per opening. This is why i think logic gates should be linked to how many items they let go instead of control it with speed.
I think you do understand the gates, I think you were just having some trouble with the output count of the recipe.
So the fuel pellet recipe outputs 2 and not 1, that means that the gate will be open long enough for 2 items of porcelain to go through at that belt speed. You can fix this by making the output belt twice as fast, or by making a splitter setup at the output belt, so that the gate detects half the number of items.
I would also advise you to make the output belt longer, so that you don't get weird timings and stuff. If the funnel is trying to place items where the gate is detecting, it could result in the belt only detecting "half" the item, meaning that it doesn't detect the item's full passage, and it could result in the gate staying open less than it should.
i ve tried that, get rid of funnels, set new conveyer, made conveyer x2 speed ( i ve tried that before, but with funnel) and... it still sometimes messes up because logic gate let 2 glowy things through. I have no idea how, but this is really uncomfortable. But it definetely works better now, now it takes more time for it to completely stop working.
It's good you got it to work.
I tried to replicate your setup, and it seems to work without a splitter as well:
Both of the gates are taking the same point on the output belt as source. The output belt is at 2x speed, the porcelain belt is at 1x speed and the starch belt is at 3x speed. I ran the setup for 100 recipes, and it didn't seem to jam for me.
Btw, congratulations on automating nuclear fuel!
From what I have tested when playing, and even before I released the game, the logic gate was pretty solid. The code is simple and it's probably not what is causing the problem. If you want to, you can send me the save data (either upload it here if it works, or on discord), that way I can look around and see what the problem is could be.
You can also add me on discord, that way I can help you easier. Discord: kittykillerkuriosity
The waffles are supposed to have priority over the biscuits, so it's not supposed to become a biscuit if you put too much chocolate. I messed up on this one and the priority is wrong in the oven, but it's not impossible to craft waffles. To make it work, you'll have to use butter for fuel instead of chocolate.
I'll fix this in the next version.
First I wanna say this is an absolutely addicting and satisfying game all on its own, the fetish content is just the whipped cream and cherry ontop. The art style is super cute too!
I actually never played a factory style game before so this has been a huge learning experience too.
I'd have a few QOL suggestions I think might be great to see though:
I'm happy to hear
I get what you mean when it comes to the horizontal/vertical locking, and I think it would be useful.
When it comes to the font, I do agree that it's not the easiest to read. I can't draw the font on a smaller scale than the pixels of the game unless I change how a lot of things work, but I have been looking at changing the font so that it's more readable at least.
I have been working on making the game a lot more polished and convenient to play for the next update, so a lot of these things should be fixed.
You select a position before placing the gate by control left clicking, and then as long as there is an item at that position, the gate will stay open. You can control right click the gate after it has been placed to invert it. This means that it will be open for as long as there isn't an item at the target position. The gate can also detect the state of the inspector panel, and the inspector panel changes state based on what it is observing.
Yeah...that's... Nope, I'm in the dark, too. This is pretty much how it's described in the game. I still don't get how they work. If you could dumb it down a few notches (or provide a visual guide?) that might help.
I have no idea what the "logic" behind these things is (I never was good with computers) so it's even more confusing when you introduce the inspector panels. All I understand is that they show a value (like how much of something, such as fuel, is in a certain place), but that's it.
Here is a little guide on how to use the logic gates:
Hold the logic gate
Set its source by control right clicking
Place the logic gate
You can view its source coords by hovering over the logic gate
The gate stays open for as long as there is an item at source
Inspector panels can be used alongside the logic gates, as they can detect information about structures and react to it. You can have a panel detect if there is an item inside the press, and a gate that detects if the panel has detected something.
I hope this helps
There will probably be an electrical furnace either in the next update or shortly after via mods (as the developer has stated they'll probably release the source code for the game).
But going back to the issue you're having there is a way to make it work (it's a little complicated). I will probably show the blueprint of how to do it shortly.
You can probably make a system that detects backlog at the funnel or belt leading into the chest, but I don't think there is a way to use the inspector panel to detect if the chest is full. In the next update, there will be a way to configure the inspector panel, so then you will be able to set its threshold to the capacity of the chest and detect fullness in that way. For now, fullness has to be detected indirectly.
You could probably have a logic gate detect if there are items on the input belt and start some sort of timer contraption, then if the items haven't been cleared out by the end of the timer, it means that the chest is full.
so, i developed automated caramel mass but every so often the fuel doesn't get added in time or something and i have no idea what the problem is, i've had similar issues with similar machine's and was wondering if it was a screen loading issue or something? since it only ever seems to happen when they're out of frame (the automated banana-toast on frame can also have a similar issue)
edit: just realize it's not obvious but the screen next to the iron chest is linked to the furnace, which is linked to all the gate's used by the setup not that it's all that important
I have wanted to add support for translations of the game, and I think it would be a good thing. I myself don't know russian or ukrainian, so I wouldn't be able to translate the game myself, but I think I definitely should make a system where people can make translations for it. I can't promise anything yet tho, but I have been considering it.
If you want to play ASAP, I'm pretty sure you can reassign a key on your keyboard to bind to 'S'. I found this tutorial if you're on Windows 11. But honestly it'd probably be better if you just got a new keyboard I couldn't imagine how annoying it'd be to type something and have to autocorrect everything because I couldn't use 'S' lol.
Hi im having troubles finding out how to use inspector panels and gates to automate recipies in the different crafting stations and was wondering if it is possible to get quick guide for dummies. My main problem with panels is that I dont get how I set them to a struckture because all I get is a questionmark
Inspector panels are really useful for furnaces.
With inspector panels, you are able to detect if a furnace is out of fuel. This is useful because you can have a logic gate 'connected' to the inspector panel that can allow for fuel (such as chocolate fossil) to be inserted into the furnace. I really haven't found any other uses for the inspector panel.
Logic gates are one of the most useful items in the game.
The majority of my earlier designs use logic gates. I used them to detect when an object is created from any machine and allowed for its crafting items to be inserted into the machine. Just make sure that you do not run out of a crafting item, as if you do it could potentially ruin your whole setup. I suggest over-producing items for all your setups, and any overflow just destroy it with a trash can.
Please let me know if you have any questions with what I said (or anything else). I want to write a guide for this game after the update gets released, as this game is honestly an 11/10 but I know some people are not familiar with factory games so any feedback will be appreciated.
A sterling engine has 6 items for its recipe. You can view the other items with the brown up arrow next to the furnace in the crafting book.
EDIT: I felt like I was missing something and I was. Sorry I thought you didn't know that you could 'scroll' through the items (it looks like you already did). Hope you found out what was wrong. I've seen some people experience the same issue but I'm not too sure if it's a game bug or user error.
I wasn't gonna add an electric furnace that turned smelting into just another crafting process. The benefit to the arc furnace is that it doesn't consume fuel, so for recipes that use fuel as an ingredient it simplifies the setup. If you have an automatic graphene setup, it can supply a large number of furnaces. The speed boost also makes it so that fewer furnaces need to be set up.
I wanted the arc furnace to be a late game thing that is useful once you set it up, but that takes some effort to get running. I didn't want the arc furnace to simply replace the oven.
You need to blow up honeycomb using a nuke to turn it into graphene. Nukes can't be automated using the press but they can be automated using rockets and silos.
The cryo generator need a logic component at its source to be active. You can put a logic switch where its orange arrow is and click on the switch to turn it on.
I will look into it. Until then, feel free to edit game_data_.ini inside the game files (%localappdata%/gain_factory_reloaded_). You can set game_complete_ to 1 to unlock the second goddess. You can also set the value of unlocked_panties_ 3 to unlock both panty styles, 2 for only the bee panties, and 1 for only the cowgirl panties. Same goes for the other unlock values.
I don't have any control over the layout as far as I know. The game engine does it automatically. If you want to do texture edits I would advise you do wait until I release the source files for the game. Then you will be able to edit the individual sprites and use the engine to export the texture pages automatically.
I will provide more information about all this once I release the files.
Yeah there are a few things that aren't in the language file. For those things you can edit the UI texture page to translate or just leave them untranslated. I probably should just add them to the language tho.
The photocards were going to be a kind of achievement system where you unlocked bonus artwork basically, but I never got around to implementing it.
this game hurts my brain in a good way.
I noticed you got rid of most wall options, or did they just get moved to another item instead of just the raw resources? Aniway, i think it would be nice to be able to make floors of some sort, they could increase movement speed while used, or not, even just as a visual they'd be great
autosave's set me up moments before a crash, though it interests me how it happened. From what I can tell, at the end of where the chocolate was funneling, where it's transferring both to the left and right at the same time, the moment it started to transfer to the left, the game crashed. I'm not sure if it's the offset position of the miner, the floaty hand I'm using to carry over the choco, the fact I have two overlapping funnel points, or what, but I think the issue has to do with that location. Eh, might be completely wrong, to. Who knows.
I haven't designed reloaded to be able to load old saves, so it wouldn't be possible to just load it.
It is possible to convert the save, but it involves editing the savefile and replacing all the sprite and object IDs with the ones from reloaded, as well as replacing all the integer item IDs with the new string IDs, and also adding the missing variables to all the structures. It is probably possible to write a script for that, but other than that, if you try to load an old save into reloaded, it would probably crash.
For autosorting from a belt, you can line up some filter funnels on the side with filters for the desired items and make a pretty robust sorting system it that way. The funnels will pick the items off the belt when they move past, kinda like an ice water stream and hoppers in minecraft sorting systems.
The other funnels are like the filter funnel. The splitter divides the items into two lanes (either exactly evenly, or where there is space), and the long distance funnel is just a very long funnel but without a filter.
i have idea for big, content update - decorative update
first, some small ideas as recipe book sorting, tags (food, drink, eatable, material, buildable, machine and etc)
and floors (Mamode's idea)
and now about main update - paints
now you can find 5 types of paint geysers - red, yellow, blue, white, black
(that can be mined by hand or by "milking" it by GCB)
and now you can mix them in mixer (or inv.)
(you can make orange, green and purple with only RYB, dark and light variants if added W or B, and gray with W+B)
(so there is 21 type of paint)
and now by clicking RMB at any building with paint in hand it will paint it
and may by it will have 1 nutr.
but while I was writing this I thought of something else - terraforming
like now nuke that touching ore deposit hitbox destroy it after exploding
and now you can craft your own deposites (white chocolate+black honey+plutonium+3 of selected ore/paint/flower pots(for oasises))
i know that this ideas can be hard to implement in game, or they may not be suitable for the game, but these are just ideas I wanted to offer you
i have something to say, so i hope i'm not in shadowban (if anyone see this told me pls)
1 - someyimes game looses fps, and when this happens, sistems that work with logic item gates and different speed conveyors become messed up, so if it works on timing, i think you must reprogram it so that it will calculate how many items to pass given the speeds of the target belt and the gate belt, and not just time
2 - add the quantity of the product to the recipe (resepie (x2))
3 - make that you can see descriptions of not crafted items
4 - recipe book sorting (yes, again, i realy don't like when things like that aren't sorted)
I'm no expert here, but I believe the drop on fps is items on belts (in fact I had a very long belt that was so full of items it crashed my game) so ideally optimizing belts would solve that issue
edit: An I idea I've had to help remedy logistically issues is to let Inspector Panels filter what item they can see in an inventory in the same manner as Filter Funnels
You can already kinda sort the recipe book. If you click the empty heart box above the item descriptions, it adds the item to the favourites. Then you can click the heart button above the item list to view only favourites. The order in which you favourite items determines the order in which they are displayed.
When it comes to the fps thing. The game doesn't skip frames, but instead slows down when lagging, so I wouldn't have expected the lag to affect the logic. If you experience that the lag affects how the simulation unfolds, I would recommend that you try to reduce lag. Tigorahan is right that items on belts cause lag, so it is best to use long distance funnels or hands for transportation.
Not sure if you would prefer new comments here or in a new topic, but:
Is it possible to make it so when you are placing floating hands, ctrl+click only places the input/output for the floating hands and does not interact with the buildings you click? It seems ctrl+click is increasing the storage limit on chests, though it doesn't seem like ctrl+right click decreases it.
Additionally, it seems like there's a minor dialogue bug when you talk to girls about their body, the engineer says "or a jug of tea..." instead of something more appropriate
You can set the source of the yeast bomb by control left clicking somewhere in the world. Then you can place the yeast bomb next to the tungsten vein and when you place an item at the source of the yeast bomb, it explodes. You can think of the source as a trigger point for the bomb. The bomb reacts to items and to other logic components at the trigger point.
Yeah you hold the bomb in your hand while setting the source, and then after you've set the source, you place the bomb as a structure by right clicking. All structures that require a source or a target work like this, so things like the logic gates. The bomb can also be put inside the press to automatically detonate it.
I don't have the capacity at the moment to make a full tutorial of the game, but if someone wants to take that task upon themselves, go for it.