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clover inc.

A member registered May 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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im actually using windows 11, i tried it on a different windows device and had no issues
it's something about my pc probably

i loved the demo

i have no idea why, but it crashes whenever i press the 'import sample' button

other than that, it's been good so far

My clone do be bailing me

wowthatwasreallycool, but sometimes there is a I didn't touch that moment, it is subjective i think, possibly, maybe?

There is something very scary about someone talking about your privacy, Soooo That is why this comment is sponsored by NordVPN(joke)


Hi I had  a very fun time, though the last level is a bit frustrating but I think I am just a winy baby

He killed me just out of spite for me being insane

*noises of bubbles popping*(haven't played it yet but it looks very nice)

 This game is very much amazing, AND TRIPPY

I am a wimp I am scared. I it gave me big goosebumps.

I got the friend-zoned ending, also nice game!

great game! the  weather rotation is good. but my only problem is when you move it feels like your on ice.

you too

i feel happ

hi i am Wispy wizard this will be my first jam and i like watching devlogs